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RHP Requirements

RHP Requirements


  • Minimum seven years’ experience showing dogs for a fee (documentation may be required). Credit available for years as an RHP Apprentice
  • Kennel facilities that meet AKC recommended criteria
  • Complete RHP membership application
  • Proof of Kennel ownership or lease
  • Proof of care, custody and control liability insurance at time of application and proof of renewal each year after becoming a member.
  • Adequate vehicle to transport show dogs
  • Current rate schedule and handler/client contract
  • Copy of current driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance
  • Three (3) Reference Letters (Business, Client, or Veterinarian)
  • Sign the Code of Ethics for Registered Handlers
  • Must complete Stewards of Children course before fully approved. This course will be provided to the applicant once application has been completed and submitted to the RHP.
  • $100 application fee (non-refundable). $150 balance due at time of full acceptance. (First member of household)


The AKC Registered Handlers Program has introduced the new “AKC RHP Initiate Program” beginning January 1, 2016.  This program allows upcoming career-driven professional handlers into the program who meet the requirements for membership….suitable facilities, safe and adequate transport vehicle, Care, Custody and Control insurance, etc.  The only allowable EXCEPTION is handling professionally for less than 7 years.  The Initiate candidate must be sponsored by two existing RHP members in good standing, who are willing to sign on to the Initiate’s application indicating a willingness to act as a mentor for a period of two years.  On completion of the two years, the sponsor must sign off on the Initiate and indicate their endorsement for full RHP membership.

For those interested in applying under the Initiate Program, applications are available by e-mailing your request to:, calling 919-816-3884 or writing to: American Kennel Club, Attn: Handlers Department, 8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27617-3390.


  • Annual dues of $250 to be paid by Jan. 31 (Discounted based upon attendance of RHP ongoing education and participation in RHP activities)
  • Mandatory ongoing education provided by the RHP throughout the year around the country
  • Mandatory bi-annual vehicle inspection (to be conducted in “odd”–numbered years, i.e. 2023, 2025, 2027)

Application packets are available by e-mailing your request to:, calling 919-816-3884 or writing to: American Kennel Club, Attn: Handlers Department, 8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27617-3390.