Showing 2,061-2,070 of 3,367 results

Expert Advice: Dog Athletes Norman the Briard is the Ultimate Trick Dog
Only 107 dogs have earned their RACH titles since November 2017. Of these dogs, only one is a Briard. And only one dog has earned a RACH the dark. While impressive, this is far from the only accomplishment of 10-year-old Norman the Briard. In fact, he has been a dog star all his life — earning […] | July 25, 2019
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog Best Toys and Games For Senior Dogs
Even though your dog's puppy years are far behind him, his need to play is still strong. Playtime provides senior dogs with mental stimulation, keeps their cognitive skills in tip-top shape, and helps them maintain a youthful personality. It's important to engage your senior dog in mentally challenging, age-appropriate play. Here are our picks for the best toys and games […] | July 24, 2019
Expert Advice: Feature A Day in the Life of a Marjory Stoneman Douglas Therapy Dog — and His Owner
When Jill Cross was a sophomore at the University of Florida, she was badly injured in a motorcycle accident. Physicians managed to save her left leg, which was mangled below the knee, but after more than 10 surgeries, it was left almost one inch shorter than her other leg. The constant, uneven jolting from her […] | July 23, 2019
German Shorthaired Pointer dog with bowl indoors
Expert Advice: Vet's Corner Vet-Approved Frozen Summer Treats For Dogs
Question: My local drive-thru ice-cream shop offers “pup cones," very small portions of soft serve vanilla ice cream in a tiny ice cream cone. When my Yorkie watches me with her sweet “please share” eyes on a hot day, I’m tempted. Can I feed my dog ice cream, frozen yogurt, or popsicles? Answer: While I’m sure […] | July 23, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Sports From Show Champion to Service Dog: Clumber Spaniel Supports Veteran Owner
Step lively, stand and stay put, and allow the judge to scrutinize every inch of you. Shimmy the tail, act dignified and thoughtful, but exude enthusiasm. Such is the job of a show champion. Grand Champion Riley, a 5-year-old Clumber Spaniel bred by Sarah Beaird and Dennis FitzPatrick, is a top-10 champion who finds winning […] | July 22, 2019
Sports & Events Eligibility and Conflicts of Interest
What is a conflict of interest? The Rules, Policies, and Guidelines for Conformation Dog Show Judges provides “A conflict of interest exists when a judge is influenced by any relationship or factor other than the merit of the dogs.” Essentially, a conflict of interest exists when the presence of an exhibitor or their dogs gives the impression […] | July 17, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding AKC Breeder Spotlight: Barbara Lundy of Patchwork Bedlingtons & Bichons 
Barbara Lundy owns Patchwork Pet Resort in Marshall, Texas. She has traveled the world showing her champion Bedlington Terriers, but her true love is the Bichon Frise. She has spent her career caring, grooming, training, showing, boarding and breeding four-legged furry children. AKC: How did you get started in breeding dogs? Barbara: I began working with German Shepherds when I was 9 years old. My […] | July 15, 2019
Legislative Alerts MA Alert: Hearing Next Monday on Two Bills that Fail to Distinguish Retail and Non-Profit Activities
Monday, July 15, 2019 On Monday, July 22nd, two bills of concern will be reviewed by the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.  Those who reside in Massachusetts are strongly encouraged to contact the committee to express concerns with these bills, which would significantly impact dog trainers and consumer protection. Summary: SB […] | July 15, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Preparing Your Puppies for Preventative Care
As a breeder, there is a lot of responsibility resting with you to prepare your puppies for their new homes. You’re with them during key periods of life in which their personalities and fears develop. In between keeping them fed, socialized, and happy, many breeders go the extra mile to prepare their puppies for important grooming […] | July 15, 2019
Sad Golden Retriever laying in the grass.
Expert Advice: Health Do Dogs Grieve Other Dogs?
Grief, and the whirlwind of emotions that come with it, is something we have all likely felt at one time or another, whether it's after the loss of a friend, family member, or beloved pet. What's harder to know is whether grief, as we understand it, is something that our canine companions feel when they lose […] | July 15, 2019

Showing 2,061-2,070 of 3,367 results