Showing 1,321-1,330 of 3,367 results

Tibetan Spaniel laying in the grass.
Expert Advice: Help & Advice Can Dogs Have Ice Cubes?
Are ice cubes dangerous to dogs? Can dogs have ice cubes? Here's what you need to know before giving your pup this frozen treat. | June 23, 2021
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog How One Senior Samoyed Filled His Bucket List
What's that? A few white hairs in your dog's muzzle? Come to think of it, your BCF (Best Canine Friend) catches more zzz's than usual, and unlike the puppy years, doesn't fly into a frenzy every time the doorbell rings. Your senior dog is slowing down. Now might be a good time to make a […] | June 21, 2021
Legislative Alerts Orange Co., FL: Oppose Pet Choice Restrictions and Support Pet Health Protections at Public Hearing Tuesday, 6/22/21
The Orange County, Florida, Board of County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on June 22, 2021, regarding a proposed ordinance to ban the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores. Even if you would not personally source a pet to a pet store, it is critical that your lawmakers understand that pet […] | June 21, 2021
Expert Advice: Training for Dog Sports How to Teach Your Dog to Weave Through Your Legs
One of the more impressive dog tricks is the leg weave. Although it takes coordination, this remarkable move is easier to train than you might think. | June 21, 2021
Clubs & Delegates State Issues – June 2021
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Alabama – HB 235, a bill supported by AKC GR, authorizes food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas and sets out access, sanitation, and other requirements. It also specifies that emotional support animals […] | June 18, 2021
Clubs & Delegates What’s New from Government Relations – June 2021
A hot topic in June is the announcement by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that it is temporarily banning the importation of dogs from countries at high risk for canine rabies, effective July 14. American Kennel Club Government Relations quickly responded with a legislative alert on the issue and a blog […] | June 18, 2021
Clubs & Delegates Federal Issues – June 2021
AKC Government Relations continues to monitor the US Congress for issues of interest to dog owners. Visit our 2021 Legislation Tracking map and click on “Federal Bills” on the map to get the latest updates on federal bills currently being monitored by the AKC. Highlights of issues we are currently addressing on the federal level include: US […] | June 18, 2021
Products & Services How to Train VHM Videos
[accordion] [accordion_panel title="How to Train PUPPY VHM"] Allows Petting Grooming Sit on Command Down on Command Go to Place 15 Seconds Comes when Called 10 ft House Training Demonstrates Relationship Puppy Out For A Walk Puppy Exercise Outside Puppy [/accordion_panel] [accordion] [accordion_panel title="How to Train ADULT VHM"] Petting and Grooming Sit On Command No Lure […] | June 17, 2021
A female staff member at a kennel supervises several large dogs playing together.
Expert Advice: How to... How to Choose a Daycare for Your Dog
If you're away from home most of the day, doggy daycare may be a good option for your dog. Follow these tips to choose the best daycare for your pet. | June 17, 2021
Beagle sitting waiting for a treat being held above his head.
Expert Advice: Training Positive Reinforcement Dog Training: The Science Behind Operant Conditioning
Positive reinforcement training involves rewarding your dog for the things they do right. It's based on the science of animal learning. | June 16, 2021

Showing 1,321-1,330 of 3,367 results