Showing 291-300 of 513 results

Officer Matthew Karlowsky and K9 Officer Tony Donations 2018
Pages Friends of GWP National Events Surprises Officer and K9 Officer
Event: German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America National Specialty 2018 Date: Saturday, Sept 29, 2018 Location: Washington Fairgrounds, Washington, Pennsylvania A surprise donation to Officer Matthew Karlowsky and K9 Officer Tony of the City of Washington Police Department was provided by the Friends of GWP National Events. Full body bite suit from Hallmark Canine 10 […] | October 9, 2018
Pages Advanced Recognition Breeders of Merit
The following breeders have met the requirements for the Breed and Levels recorded at the time of the application. The American Kennel Club is pleased to recognize these breeders for their contribution to the sport and maintaining the tenets of the Breeder of Merit program. (current as of  7/15/24, last updated 7/17/24) [accordion] [accordion_panel title="Platinum"] […] | September 25, 2018
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding The Perinatal Period and Puppy Development
Most of us put our all into producing fabulous puppies. We select breeding stock with care, emphasizing things like health clearances and temperament. We raise our pups in enriched pens and feed the best nutrition we can to sires, dams and pups. Yet we may be overlooking the importance of a key period in puppy […] | September 24, 2018
Pages 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Nominees
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were created and first awarded in 1999 to honor our best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of dedication have led to significant contributions to our sport on a national […] | September 19, 2018
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Dogs Don’t Have a Sixth Sense, They Just Have Incredible Hearing
How well can dogs hear? You might've read that dogs have far better hearing than humans, but it’s not quite that simple. | July 13, 2018
Sports & Events The Road to Best in Show
Showing dogs is a fun sport where the thrill of competition is combined with the joy of seeing beautiful dogs. Dog shows, or conformation events, originated as a way for breeders to evaluate their breeding stock. While the purpose remains, dog shows are a great opportunity to socialize with people in your breed and develop […] | June 18, 2018
Pages AKC Education Summit
Education is paramount to the AKC’s mission. Through education, we preserve history, stay relevant to the needs of today’s dog owners and fanciers, and invest in the future health and well-being of dogs, dog sports, and the human-canine relationship. The AKC recognizes and appreciates the enormous contributions that Parent and All-Breed Clubs give to the […] | May 21, 2018
Pages AKC Detection Dog Task Force Facts
Mission Statement: The American Kennel Club, the oldest and largest dog registry in the country, will provide assistance to the US Government and AKC breeders to improve the domestic supply of dogs for explosive detection training by raising the awareness of obstacles, exploring multiple solutions, educating key stake holders, and fostering collaboration for continuous improvement. […] | May 18, 2018
Expert Advice: Training Ask Our Trainers: My Dog Jumps on Visitors and Won’t Stay off the Counters
Judith C. of Connecticut wrote AKC for help with her German Shorthaired Pointer pup that loves jumping on people and the kitchen counter to steal food. Heather W. of Michigan said she is having the same issue with her pair of one-year-old Labrador Retrievers. Heather says, "We are constantly telling them to stay down and pushing them down. […] | May 16, 2018
Expert Advice: News Clumber Spaniel Josey Trades Search and Rescue for Junior Showmanship
When facing a job or career change, some struggle with the transition and others thrive. For Josey, a six-year-old Clumber Spaniel, it was the latter when she switched from search-and-rescue work to the Junior Showmanship ring. “She has an incredible work ethic and exemplifies a breeder’s goal of a sound mind in a sound body,” says […] | May 15, 2018

Showing 291-300 of 513 results