Showing 161-170 of 170 results

Press Releases AKC Honors Outstanding Dogs With 2007 AKC Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE)
The American Kennel Club announced today the winners of the seventh AKC Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE), the award designed to commemorate loyal, hard-working dogs that have made significant contributions to their community. The ACE is given annually to dogs in each of the following five categories: Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue, Therapy, Service and […] | August 29, 2007
Legislative Alerts Fourth-Annual AKC Lobby Day Held in Washington, D.C.
Congress welcomed purebred dog owners from across the country last week as part of the American Kennel Club’s fourth-annual Lobby Day. Hosted by the Canine Legislation Department, Lobby Day gives attendees a chance to learn more about issues that impact fanciers on the federal level. More importantly, participants are given an opportunity to carry the […] | October 4, 2006
Legislative Alerts Update! Sacramento Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance Vote Tuesday
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will take a vote on the proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance at their next meeting, Tuesday, August 15th. Supervisors had previously discussed the issue at the August 1st meeting but did not have enough time to hear all the testimony. Concerned dog owners and fanciers are urgently needed to attend […] | August 11, 2006
Legislative Alerts CALL TO ACTION: Help Needed in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles County Supervisors will take a final vote on the proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance at their meeting this Tuesday, May 2nd. Dog owners wishing to breed or simply maintain an intact dog will have to pay a $60 per dog fee and meet a host of restrictive criteria. It is urgent that fanciers […] | April 28, 2006
Legislative Alerts LA County Releases Details of Mandatory Spay/Neuter Proposal
Click here for an update to this Alert The Los Angeles County Animal Board of Supervisors will meet April 18th to discuss their proposal to require all dogs to be spayed or neutered unless their owner purchases a $60 intact animal license (currently $30) and meets the stringent criteria established by the county. The measure […] | April 5, 2006
Legislative Alerts LA Rejects BSL, Pursuing Mandatory Spay/Neuter of ALL Dogs
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has voted to delay a vote on changes to its animal control ordinance until April 25th. Although the board appears to have been persuaded that a breed-specific proposal is not in the best interests of the citizens, they have now directed staff to draft language requiring mandatory spay/neuter […] | February 23, 2006
Legislative Alerts Update: Los Angeles County Supervisors Move Forward with BSL
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a motion by Supervisor Michael Antonovich to draft a breed-specific ordinance that would impose breeding restrictions and mandatory spay/neuter of "pit bulls" and Rottweilers. The ordinance is expected to be discussed at the February 14th meeting. Concerned dog owners should contact their supervisor and ask him or […] | February 1, 2006
Legislative Alerts Urgent Help Needed in CA!
Calling all California dog owners!  Governor Schwarzenegger still has not taken action on SB861.  IF HE DOES NOT VETO THE BILL BEFORE OCTOBER 9th , IT WILL BECOME LAW WITHOUT HIS SIGNATURE.  Please contact the governor's office TODAY and urge him to veto this misguided bill!   Reminder: LAST CHANCE TO STOP BSL IN CALIFORNIA! […] | October 5, 2005
Press Releases AKC Announces Staff Promotions
  New York, NY — President and Chief Executive Officer, Dennis B. Sprung, announced today a number of executive promotions, as well as the hiring of a new manager in the Public Relations department. In his statement Sprung said, " I am proud of these employees for their outstanding performance and for the fact that […] | October 13, 2004
Press Releases Get A Sneak Peak
  The summer 2003 issue of AKC Family Dog, a new lifestyle magazine with a focus on purebred dogs, is almost here. The latest issue, available June 1st, is packed with how-to's, news updates, and vital information to help owners provide all the best for their pet.   Media may request advance copies of feature […] | May 20, 2003

Showing 161-170 of 170 results