Showing 51-60 of 471 results

German Shepherd Dog getting its paw checked by the vet.
Expert Advice: Health Pododermatitis in Dogs: What to Know
Pododermatitis in dogs describes inflammation of the paws. We spoke with a veterinary dermatologist to understand the causes and treatment options. | February 12, 2024
Beagle wrapped up in a blanket.
Expert Advice: Health Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam?
Learn more about why your dog might be throwing up white foam, what it looks like, and when it is a cause for concern and merits a trip to the vet. | February 6, 2024
Dog getting its teeth brushed.
Expert Advice: Dental Health Rotten Dog Teeth: Signs, Symptoms and Treatments
Rotten dog teeth or cavities have the same cause in dogs as in humans. Although they're rare in dogs, it's important to know the signs and treatment. | February 5, 2024
Golden Retriever getting comforted while lying on a table at the vet.
Expert Advice: Health Cancer in Dogs: What to Know
Over their lifetime, cancer affects one in three dogs. Understand this high risk and life threatening disease so you know the signs and treatments. | January 30, 2024
Expert Advice: Health Dramamine for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives
Some dogs eagerly await car rides, but for other dogs, traveling by car or airplane can be stressful and nausea-inducing. Can you give them Dramamine? | January 29, 2024
Expert Advice: Health Cherry Eye in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments
It's easy to panic when you see something on your dog's eye, especially if it's a large pink or reddish bump, which could be cherry eye in dogs. | January 26, 2024
German Shepherd Dog getting a check-up at the vet.
Expert Advice: Health Candida Auris in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
Candida auris is a fungus. Here's what to know about Candida auris in dogs' ears, including symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. | January 23, 2024
Chihuahua getting a check-up at the vet.
Expert Advice: Health What to Know About HGE, or Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome in Dogs
If your dog suddenly develops aggressive, bloody diarrhea, they could have hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (also known as acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome). | January 18, 2024
Pug laying down indoors looking sad.
Expert Advice: Health Seborrhea in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
Seborrhea in dogs can cause flaking skin, oily skin and coat, and odor. Learn to recognize and treat this skin condition. | January 16, 2024
Expert Advice: Health Colitis in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
Colitis in dogs is an inflammation of the colon, which is the large bowel or large intestine. If you think your dog has colitis, here's what to know. | January 16, 2024

Showing 51-60 of 471 results