Showing 431-440 of 471 results

Vaccinations for your dog the upshot social
Expert Advice: Health Vaccinations for Your Dog: the Upshot
Opinions differ over the necessity of some dog vaccinations and the timeframe for vaccinating your dog. Consult your vet about your dog’s vaccinations. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) made headlines in 2003 when it published its vaccination recommendations. It suggested that a few vaccines are absolutely necessary, but some are only required in unique […] | March 24, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Dog Itching and What Could Be Causing It
Main Reasons Your Dog May Be Itchy Finding the source of your dog’s skin irritation can be a daunting, long process, but the good news is that with a combination of careful diagnostics, management, and medication, dog owners can do much more than scratch the surface of those annoying canine itches. Veterinary dermatologist John C. […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Conditions How do You Spell R-E-L-I-E-F for Your Dog’s Upset Stomach?
Your Dog’s Tummy Aches Should Not be Taken Lightly Antacids aren’t a cure-all for your pet’s stomach problems. Watch for clues that indicate a more serious problem than simple upset stomach. Antacids might settle your dog’s upset stomach, but it’s a short-term remedy. When treating a dog’s stomach disorder, it’s important to first rule out […] | March 23, 2015
holistic solutions to warm weather skin problems
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Holistic Solutions to Warm-Weather Skin Problems
There’s a Holistic Alternative to Prescription-Only Skin Care? A holistic veterinarian can recommend natural therapies to address your dog’s allergies and skin problems. Allergies and skin infections are health menaces that typically surface with the arrival of spring weather. Traditional medications help dogs with these problems, but the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and antifungals can […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Grooming How to Clean Dogs Ears & Eyes
Clean Eyes and Ears are Essential to Your Dog’s Health Your dog’s coat is only one part of good grooming hygiene. Eyes and ears require every bit as much attention. It’s a good habit to clean your dog’s eyes with every bath, but you shouldn’t neglect to clean any noticeable discharge from the eyes. Check […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Canine Hypothyroidism: No Cure, But Manageable
Your Dog’s Weight Gain and Excessive Shedding Might Indicate Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is a clinical condition resulting in inadequate production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is characterized overall by a general decrease in cellular metabolic activity. Dogs afflicted with hypothyroidism most commonly show weight gain, are lethargic and inactive, have a dull hair […] | March 23, 2015
first aid for a dog burns
Expert Advice: General Health First Aid for a Dog Burns
Medically Treat Any Burn on Your Dog to Avoid Infection Due to the potential for secondary infection and other harmful complications, all burns should be taken seriously. Burns from fire, smoldering materials, hot water, grease, tar, and smoke are among the most painful of injuries. (Burns can also stem from electrical sources—as in when a […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: General Health Keeping Your Dog’s Ears Healthy: Listen to Your Vet
Dog Ear Infections and Other Issues Canine ear infections are very common and certain breeds (dogs with long hanging ears) are predisposed to them. Overall, the problem is more common during the warm months, when ear infections are reported to be 10 to 15 percent of all patients brought to veterinary hospitals. Ear infections can […] | March 23, 2015
Uncovering and treating demodex mites social
Expert Advice: General Health Uncovering and Treating Demodex Mites
Your Dog’s Hair Loss Could be a Sign of Demodex Most dogs can tolerate a small number of mites. However, a mite infestation can pose serious health problems for puppies. Demodex mites live in the hair follicles of most dogs. Most dogs have a small number of mites. Usually, the mites are harmless and are […] | March 23, 2015
collapsing trachea indicators and treatment
Expert Advice: General Health Collapsed Trachea in Dogs: Causes, Signs, and Treatment
A collapsed trachea in your dog is a serious condition, but it something that they can live with. Here's how to best support your dog with this condition. | March 23, 2015

Showing 431-440 of 471 results