Showing 11-20 of 553 results

Siberian Husky wearing a cone on its head sitting outdoors.
Expert Advice: Health How to Teach Your Dog to Wear a Cone
Cones are necessary for dogs after surgery, but they can cause a lot of distress. Teach your dog to tolerate wearing a cone in case the need arises. | April 4, 2024
Expert Advice: Health Librela for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives
Librela is a new pain management drug for canine osteoarthritis. Learn more about its advantages, limitations and when it is a suitable treatment option. | April 3, 2024
Beagle puppies running together in a field.
Expert Advice: Health How Much Mental and Physical Exercise Do Puppies Need?
New puppies are curious and full of energy, but how much exercise does a puppy need? Mental and physical exercise depends, but both are important for growing puppies. | March 1, 2024
Expert Advice: Health Pica in Dogs: What to Know
Pica is a condition where your dog eats non-food items like stones or dirt. Learn about the many causes and treatments for this dangerous behavior. | February 29, 2024
Nikki (Cirneco dell'Etna) handled by Kathy Ingram; AKC Agility Invitational presented by YuMove, December 16-18, 2022, Orlando, FL.
Expert Advice: Dog Sports How to Get More Involved in the Sport of Dog Agility
Dog agility is incredibly fun and has so many benefits, but how do you get involved in the sport? This guide will have you participating in no time. | February 26, 2024
Expert Advice: Feature At 95-Years-Old, Donna Fox Reflects on Her Seven-Decade Obedience Career
Donna Fox has only recently retired from dog sports: at 89 years old. Now 95, she reflects on her lifelong love of Poodles and dog Obedience. | February 16, 2024
Golden Retriever getting comforted while lying on a table at the vet.
Expert Advice: Health Cancer in Dogs: What to Know
Over their lifetime, cancer affects one in three dogs. Understand this high risk and life threatening disease so you know the signs and treatments. | January 30, 2024
Portuguese Podengo looking over a fence.
Expert Advice: Home & Living What Type of Dog Fence Should I Have?
In the words of Robert Frost, "Good fences make good neighbors." But when it comes to dogs, fences make safe outdoor spaces to run, play, sniff, and... | January 26, 2024
Rottweiler laying down in the couch sleeping in the sunshine.
Expert Advice: Health Dog Pneumonia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Dog pneumonia has many causes from viruses to bacteria to inhaled foreign particles. Learn to recognize the signs and treatment options for your dog. | January 11, 2024
Expert Advice: Fitness & Exercise The Southwest Obedience Club of Los Angeles Goes the Distance with AKC FIT DOG
Whether they're going solo or in a group, dog owners are taking part in AKC FIT DOG challenges to keep themselves and their dogs in shape. One such group is members of the Southwest Obedience Club of Los Angeles, who found their love of fitness together — almost by accident. | January 8, 2024

Showing 11-20 of 553 results