Showing 251-260 of 998 results

Basset Hound chasing after a lure in Fast CAT.
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Basset Hound Inspires Hope By Running in Fastest Dogs USA
Somehow, it’s difficult to equate the endearing, low-key Basset Hound with speed. But Angelique, a 4-year-old, 34-pounder has defied expectations and has been on a fast pace since December 2020 at the American Kennel Club’s inaugural Fastest Dogs USA in Orlando, Florida. The Fast CAT competition, where dogs chase a lure in a 100-yard dash, […] | September 20, 2022
Basset Hound and cat snuggling together and sleeping.
Expert Advice: The Truth Behind 10 Common Dog Myths
There is so much misinformation passed around about dogs, but to truly know your pet, get to the bottom of these common dog myths. | September 19, 2022
Siberian Husky snuggling with a man outdoors on a balcony.
Expert Advice: Home & Living How to Make Your Balcony Safe and Dog-Friendly
Balconies can provide dogs with exciting sights and smells, but they can be dangerous too. Here are some tips for making a balcony a safe doggy haven. | September 19, 2022
Pages Season Winners
Season 6 - Winter 2024 [accordion] [accordion_panel title="Extended Ph.D."] Winter Season Finals – Extended Ph.D. – Teams & Dogs Congratulations to all teams & dogs that completed the Winter Season! Great job! Here are the top placers for Season 6: Top Teams Champion – Happy Dog Sports Team 1 – Texas Reserve Champion – New […] | September 14, 2022
Airport canine. Dog sniffs out drugs or bomb in a luggage.
Expert Advice: News Demand Booms for Bomb-Sniffing Detection Dogs  
The shortage of bomb-sniffing detection dogs in the U.S. and across the world is increasing, while demand is on the rise. In 2021, global terrorist attacks increased to 5,226. In many of these situations, explosive (bomb-sniffing) detection dogs could serve as a deterrent. The problem is there are not enough dogs to meet the growing […] | September 12, 2022
dog fur
Expert Advice: DIY Projects 7 Things You Can Do With Your Dog’s Fur
Dog fur can be a real annoyance for humans. It gets on our clothes and furniture, forms giant dust bunnies under the bed, and sometimes even finds its way into our food. But have you ever thought about putting all that hair to good use? Here are seven ways you can creatively upcycle it. Knit […] | September 12, 2022
AKC National Obedience Championship, June 2018.
Expert Advice: Training What is Dog Pivot Training? Teaching Tight Turns
A close training relationship with your dog develops over time. But one of the easiest ways to achieve tight turns for Rally and Obedience, or close attention for Trick Dog skills, is to teach your dog to pivot. This exercise can build your pet's confidence and improve coordination and their ability to pay attention. Rear […] | September 9, 2022
Beagle walking in the Fall with a woman.
Expert Advice: Home & Living The Creative Benefits of Having a Dog
What does your dog bring to your life? Companionship? Joy? Protection? How about inspiration? "Creative muse" might not be your pet's typical role, but research, as well as artists' and creators' lived experiences, reveal that this is just one benefit of having a dog. Dog Walks Boost Creative Thinking "All truly great thoughts are conceived […] | September 7, 2022
Border Collie jumping over agility jump.
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Winners Announced for Inaugural AKC Agility League Program
More than 200 dogs and 40 different teams from across the country competed in the inaugural pilot program for the AKC Agility League. Over the course of 12 weeks, teams ran six different courses from their respective club. Captains submitted scores from qualified judges, and the rankings for both teams and individual dogs in each […] | September 7, 2022
Expert Advice: AKC Family Dog The Legacy of Hero 9/11 Dogs
About 300 dog/handler search teams responded to 9/11, but only about 100 were prepared for the size of the disaster at Ground Zero. Since then, the need for search-and-rescue dogs and therapy dogs has only increased. | September 7, 2022

Showing 251-260 of 998 results