Showing 611-620 of 1,889 results

Clubs & Delegates State Issues February 2022
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Arizona – House Bill 2323 states that for the purposes of homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, the breed of dog may not be considered for underwriting or determining risk or loss, questionnaires or surveys regarding the presence of a […] | February 24, 2022
Clubs & Delegates Regulatory Updates February 2022
Here are some highlights of state and federal regulatory issues AKC GR recently addressed.  Visit AKC’s Regulatory Resource Center for more information on these and other significant regulatory issues addressed by AKC Government Relations. Federal – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it is soliciting comments from the public on the use of antimicrobial […] | February 24, 2022
Clubs & Delegates Federal Issues February 2022
AKC Government Relations continues to monitor the US Congress for issues of interest to dog owners. Visit our 2022 Legislation Tracking map and click on “Federal Bills” on the map to get the latest updates on federal bills currently being monitored by the AKC. Highlights of issues we are currently addressing on the federal level include:  U.S. […] | February 24, 2022
Expert Advice: Basic Training When Can I Phase Out Treats During Dog Training?
A common question you might ask when you start training your dogs is: When can I stop giving them treats? Some owners are in a hurry to put the treats away because they see it as proof that their dog really knows how to do something. In reality, you don't need to ever completely phase […] | February 23, 2022
Legislative Alerts Tennessee: Act Now on Potentially Troublesome Doghouse Bill; Support Police, Working Dog Protections
SB 1788 – REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES THAT HOUSE DOGS.  Senate Bill 1788 seeks to establish new, potentially vague requirements for providing shelter to dogs. This bill is on the agenda of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, February 22 at 3:00pm. Dog owners are urged to immediately contact committee members and ask them to oppose […] | February 18, 2022
Legislative Alerts Maryland: Act Now to Oppose HB 1062 Impacting Your Dog Ownership Rights!
The Maryland House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on House Bill 1062 on Thursday, February 24 at 1:00pm.  This bill addresses the issue of animals that are seized and the costs of their care during impoundment. AKC strongly believes that those who treat animals in a cruel manner should be held accountable and […] | February 18, 2022
Legislative Alerts Regulatory Info: FDA Looking for Public Input on Antimicrobial Use Practices in Companion Animals
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it is soliciting comments from the public on the use of antimicrobial drugs in companion animals.  Specifically, FDA is interested in learning whether the use of such drugs has resulted in microorganisms—like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites—becoming resistant to them.  FDA hopes to engage with […] | February 17, 2022
Labrador retriever being snuggled sitting on the dock next to a young woman.
Expert Advice: Home & Living What to Do if You Inherit Someone Else’s Dog
Nothing about the passing of a loved one is easy. But what is already a painful and stress-filled situation might be made more stressful if you've inherited your loved one's dog, especially if you weren't prepared for the challenge of welcoming a new pet into your life. Here's what you need to know if you're […] | February 10, 2022
Legislative Alerts Illinois: Bills Impacting Animal Ownership, Other Dog Issues to be Considered on Tuesday (2/1)
Bills impacting animal ownership, basic animal care, and service animals will be considered in Illinois on Tuesday, February 1. Those who live or participate in events in Illinois are strongly encouraged to contact the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee using the information below, and also to create witness slips prior to the hearing by clicking on this […] | January 28, 2022
Beagle happy to recieve treat.
Expert Advice: Studies Would Your Dog Give You Treats If They Could?
You do so much for your dog – from walks, to meals, to games of fetch. And your dog pays you back in their own canine way. For example, they bark to protect you and comfort you when you're down. But would your dog do that for just about anybody or do all your efforts […] | January 25, 2022

Showing 611-620 of 1,889 results