Showing 1,551-1,560 of 1,885 results

Puerto Rico dogs
Expert Advice: Government Relations Public Education, Support for Breeders Is a Better Solution for Puerto Rico Dogs
By Jennifer Clark, Manager, Canine Legislation  By Jennifer Clark, Manager, Canine Legislation The images are enough to break anyone’s heart – stray dogs roaming the street without proper food, water and basic needs; shelters overflowing with unwanted animals.  There is no question that something needs to be done.  The dogs – and the people of […] | June 14, 2016
Expert Advice: Dog Gear & Accessories 18 Items That Are Perfect For Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Owners
If you own a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, or know someone who does, you'll need this list. For the most part, when we have our dog, we’re pretty content with our lives. What more do we want than that cold wet nose in the morning, the snuggling in the afternoon, and the hopping with excitement […] | June 7, 2016
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Six Great Ways to Get Involved In the German Shepherd Dog World
So you've fallen in love with the stunning, brilliant breed known as the German Shepherd Dog. You are not alone. The German Shepherd, also known by the shorthand GSD, is among the world's most popular canine companions and workers. If you want a job done—whether it's apprehending dangerous criminals, sniffing rubble for disaster survivors, or […] | June 7, 2016
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny ​10 Things Only Pembroke Welsh Corgi Owners Will Understand
Small but mighty, short but fast, serious but also a goofball. There's just something wonderful about the juxtapositions that make up the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. If you own one we're sure you can relate. Here are ten things that only Pembroke Welsh Corgi owners will understand: 1. Your Pembroke engages in what is known as […] | May 31, 2016
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure 18 Things You’ll Need If You Plan To Travel With Your Dog This Summer
Summer is vacation time and it's even better when our canine buddies can come along. After all, dogs love vacations, too. So, whether you're preparing for a long car ride, camping and hiking, a wide sandy beach, or a visit with old friends, here's some gear that will make traveling with your dog a lot […] | May 24, 2016
Expert Advice: Grooming How to Overcome the 4 Biggest Dog Grooming Challenges
Sometimes after a marathon house cleaning, I flop down on the couch and holler, “Nobody move.” Try as I might, the floors and furniture only stay clean-clean for about five minutes. That’s life with dogs—especially rough-and-tumble mountain dogs who track all manner of gunk into the house. I may never completely achieve long lasting clean, […] | May 19, 2016
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Dry Skin on Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments
Dry skin on dogs is frustrating for dogs and owners alike. If dry, itchy, or flaky skin is making your dog uncomfortable, here is what you need to know. | May 19, 2016
Beagle dog is sick From infection
Expert Advice: General Health Is Pepto-Bismol Safe For Dogs?
Dogs, like people, can be afflicted with stomach problems, including indigestion, diarrhea, and gas. Although severe or prolonged symptoms should always be treated by a veterinarian, minor cases of stomach upset or diarrhea can be cared for at home with human medications that are safe for dogs. If symptoms persist or if you’ve never given […] | May 19, 2016
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Boosting Puppy Brains for Trainability With Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  Once the new puppy is home and settled, many of us feel at least a little apprehension underneath all the excitement as we realize the next daunting step: training. Not just house training but also socialization, basic manners, obedience, and even tricks or other skills such as agility. Resources describing the nitty-gritty details regarding […] | May 19, 2016
Expert Advice: Fun Facts 7 Things You Didn’t Know About The American Water Spaniel
The American Water Spaniel was developed in the Great Lakes region of the United States, and to this day remains uncommon outside of that area. It's a rare breed, and a special one. It's extremely talented and makes a highly loyal companion. Here are some things you may not have known about the American Water […] | May 18, 2016

Showing 1,551-1,560 of 1,885 results