Showing 1,171-1,180 of 1,891 results

body sensitivity
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Dog Cognition: Dogs Are Even Smarter Than You Think
How much do you know about what goes on in your pup's head? Do you believe it's all pretty simple in there? Just thoughts about dinner, the cat next door, and more dinner? Think again. Dogs have been known to learn hundred of words, do arithmetic, and guess what people and other dogs are thinking. […] | August 12, 2019
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure Best Dog Bowls and Water Bottles For Travel
If your dog comes along for a hike, car ride, or any outdoor adventure, a portable water bottle and bowl are essential. To keep your dog cool, take one of these highly-rated dog bowls or water bottles along on your next adventure. What You Need to Know About Dog Water Bottles Just like drinking water […] | August 7, 2019
Expert Advice: General Health How to Tell If Your Dog Is in Shape Or Overweight
If your pooch is looking a bit more pudgy than usual, it's actually quite common. The battle of the bulge isn't just something people face — so do pets. In fact, according to a 2018 survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 55.8 percent of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. And […] | August 7, 2019
Expert Advice: News Time to Celebrate: The AKC Puppy Pack Turns One!
Can you believe the AKC Puppy Pack puppies are about to turn ONE? If you don't already know, the AKC Puppy Pack is a group of dogs we have followed on Instagram from birth through every first achievement in year one of life. What better way to celebrate than with a birthday party? All seven dogs are […] | August 1, 2019
Legislative Alerts New York: Dutchess County Considering Tethering, Cruelty Registry Proposals
July 26, 2019 The Dutchess County Legislature is considering two proposals in an effort to improve animal welfare in the county.  AKC Government Relations understands that the proposals are likely to be considered on Monday, August 12.  Those who reside or participate in performance or other events in Dutchess County are encouraged to contact the […] | July 26, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Athletes Norman the Briard is the Ultimate Trick Dog
Only 107 dogs have earned their RACH titles since November 2017. Of these dogs, only one is a Briard. And only one dog has earned a RACH the dark. While impressive, this is far from the only accomplishment of 10-year-old Norman the Briard. In fact, he has been a dog star all his life — earning […] | July 25, 2019
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog Best Toys and Games For Senior Dogs
Even though your dog's puppy years are far behind him, his need to play is still strong. Playtime provides senior dogs with mental stimulation, keeps their cognitive skills in tip-top shape, and helps them maintain a youthful personality. It's important to engage your senior dog in mentally challenging, age-appropriate play. Here are our picks for the best toys and games […] | July 24, 2019
German Shorthaired Pointer dog with bowl indoors
Expert Advice: Vet's Corner Vet-Approved Frozen Summer Treats For Dogs
Question: My local drive-thru ice-cream shop offers “pup cones," very small portions of soft serve vanilla ice cream in a tiny ice cream cone. When my Yorkie watches me with her sweet “please share” eyes on a hot day, I’m tempted. Can I feed my dog ice cream, frozen yogurt, or popsicles? Answer: While I’m sure […] | July 23, 2019
Expert Advice: Home & Living Traveling to the Beach? Pack the Perfect Go-Bag for Your Dog
If you’re planning to hit the beach with your dog this summer, a go-bag full of essentials can make all the difference. Here are some products your pup can use in the surf, sun, and sand! By planning ahead with a few well-chosen items, you can make sure that your dog has a safe and happy […] | July 22, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Sports From Show Champion to Service Dog: Clumber Spaniel Supports Veteran Owner
Step lively, stand and stay put, and allow the judge to scrutinize every inch of you. Shimmy the tail, act dignified and thoughtful, but exude enthusiasm. Such is the job of a show champion. Grand Champion Riley, a 5-year-old Clumber Spaniel bred by Sarah Beaird and Dennis FitzPatrick, is a top-10 champion who finds winning […] | July 22, 2019

Showing 1,171-1,180 of 1,891 results