Showing 801-810 of 12,009 results

English Cocker Spaniel laying on a cushion at home.
Expert Advice: Home & Living Moving to an Apartment? How to Prepare Your Dog for a Downsize
Moving from a house to an apartment, condominium, RV, or tiny home can be challenging for dogs. These tips and skills will make the transition easier. | September 13, 2022
Close-up of a dog's feet outdoors on the curb.
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Why Do My Dog’s Feet Smell Like Corn Chips?
If you get close enough to your dog's feet, you might have noticed that they smell a bit like corn chips or Fritos. Some dog owners, including yours... | September 13, 2022
Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy laying on a black leather cushion.
Expert Advice: News Do Dogs Cry? New Study Shows Dog Tears Facilitate Canine-Human Bond
When humans are reunited with their pets, owners might shed more than a few tears. But do dogs do the same? Until now, most evidence has indicated that, while they do exhibit empathic responses to humans in need of comfort, dogs do not cry. But a new study from Japan, published in the journal Current […] | September 12, 2022
Airport canine. Dog sniffs out drugs or bomb in a luggage.
Expert Advice: News Demand Booms for Bomb-Sniffing Detection Dogs  
The shortage of bomb-sniffing detection dogs in the U.S. and across the world is increasing, while demand is on the rise. In 2021, global terrorist attacks increased to 5,226. In many of these situations, explosive (bomb-sniffing) detection dogs could serve as a deterrent. The problem is there are not enough dogs to meet the growing […] | September 12, 2022
dog fur
Expert Advice: DIY Projects 7 Things You Can Do With Your Dog’s Fur
Dog fur can be a real annoyance for humans. It gets on our clothes and furniture, forms giant dust bunnies under the bed, and sometimes even finds its way into our food. But have you ever thought about putting all that hair to good use? Here are seven ways you can creatively upcycle it. Knit […] | September 12, 2022
French Bulldog running Fast CAT
Expert Advice: Events How Do Dogs Run AKC Fast CAT?
At top speed a Pembroke Welsh Corgi can run 25 MPH. That's faster than Usain Bolt's 100 meter record of 9.58 seconds, which equates to 23.35 MPH. So yes, those little legs can fly. Across the county, dogs are challenging to see how fast they can sprint in AKC Fast Coursing Ability Tests (Fast CAT) […] | September 12, 2022
Expert Advice: Nutrition Dog Meal Prep: How to Prepare Dog Food in Bulk
Whether you're using commercially prepared dog food (e.g., kibble) or making your own at home, feeding high quality ingredients can help improve your... | September 9, 2022
AKC National Obedience Championship, June 2018.
Expert Advice: Training What is Dog Pivot Training? Teaching Tight Turns
A close training relationship with your dog develops over time. But one of the easiest ways to achieve tight turns for Rally and Obedience, or close attention for Trick Dog skills, is to teach your dog to pivot. This exercise can build your pet's confidence and improve coordination and their ability to pay attention. Rear […] | September 9, 2022
Bullmastiff getting pet at Meet the Breeds.
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Are Dogs Ticklish?
Your pup rolls over on its back, and you can't resist giving the belly a tickle or two. Does your dog feel ticklish like people do? While dogs don't... | September 8, 2022
Expert Advice: Training What is Trigger Stacking? How to Handle an Overly Stressed Dog
Similar to people, sensitive, anxious, or reactive dogs can have periods when everything seems to go wrong. Trigger stacking refers to a phenomenon in which a dog experiences multiple stressful or scary situations within a short timespan. As a result, a pup may feel overwhelmed and exhibit a large reaction to an otherwise minor stressor. […] | September 8, 2022

Showing 801-810 of 12,009 results