Showing 1,151-1,160 of 12,013 results

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Icelandic Sheepdog History: Beloved Scandinavian Symbol
The Icelandic Sheepdog's roots go back more than a thousand years. About 1,100 years ago, Norse settlers sailed west across the Norwegian Sea to Iceland. These seafaring pioneers set about creating a new Scandinavian country on the otherwise uninhabited island. Among the cultural touchstones they brought from Norway were the Nordic language and a taste […] | February 22, 2022
Legislative Alerts Tennessee: Act Now on Potentially Troublesome Doghouse Bill; Support Police, Working Dog Protections
SB 1788 – REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES THAT HOUSE DOGS.  Senate Bill 1788 seeks to establish new, potentially vague requirements for providing shelter to dogs. This bill is on the agenda of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, February 22 at 3:00pm. Dog owners are urged to immediately contact committee members and ask them to oppose […] | February 18, 2022
Legislative Alerts Washington, DC: District Council Considering Proposal Impacting Dog Owners on 2/28
The Council of the District of Columbia’s Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety will conduct a public hearing on Monday, February 28, 2022, at 1:30 pm, regarding proposed amendments to the Animal Care and Control Act. Among other provisions, B24-0560 addresses the issue of animals that are seized and the costs of their care during […] | February 18, 2022
Legislative Alerts Maryland: Act Now to Oppose HB 1062 Impacting Your Dog Ownership Rights!
The Maryland House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on House Bill 1062 on Thursday, February 24 at 1:00pm.  This bill addresses the issue of animals that are seized and the costs of their care during impoundment. AKC strongly believes that those who treat animals in a cruel manner should be held accountable and […] | February 18, 2022
Legislative Alerts California Update: AKC Monitoring Multiple Bills Impacting Dog Owners
The California Legislature has introduced several bills with the potential to impact dog owners.  AKC Government Relations is in contact with the authors of critical bills and is working to ensure the best interest of responsible dog owners is protected. While no action is essential at this time, California dog owners are encouraged to make […] | February 18, 2022
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog Four Ways to Show Your Dog Love
Everyday with your dog is a great day. And we show our dogs we love them everyday when we feed them, play with them, even just take them outside for a walk. But on National Love Your Pet Day, you might want to find an extra special way to show your dog just how much […] | February 17, 2022
Legislative Alerts Maryland: House Committee to Vote on Bill Regulating Dogs Outdoors Tomorrow (2/18) – Call Now!
The Maryland House Environment and Transportation Committee has scheduled a Committee vote tomorrow, February 18, 2022, at 3 p.m. on House Bill 16.  The bill would place limitations on dogs being outdoors and unattended in certain weather conditions, with exemptions for “if the dog is lawfully and activity engaged in hunting; livestock herding; sledding; sporting; or […] | February 17, 2022
Astra and Artoo
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Dog Athletes of the Month: Artoo the Mixed Breed and Astra the Smooth Collie
When Carla Repko was younger, she and her brother would beg and beg their parents for a dog and were sadly unsuccessful with each attempt. So naturally, when she bought her first house, the first thing she did was get a dog: a mixed breed named Artoo. While his behavior was great in the first […] | February 17, 2022
Legislative Alerts NJ Update: Lawyers for Dogs Bill Amended, Passed by Committee
Earlier this week, the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee amended Assembly Bill 1965 and unanimously reported the bill out of committee.  The bill seeks to create an animal advocates program in the state.  Click here to read more information about A.1965. Amendments: Remove section 1 of the bill in its entirety. Section 1 featured problematic […] | February 17, 2022
English Cocker Spaniel meeting a man outdoors.
Expert Advice: Dog Gear & Accessories The Importance of a Well-Fitting Dog Harness
If your dog spends their entire on-leash walk choking against their collar, you might be considering using a harness. Maybe your dog already wears a harness, but it's rubbing their skin or they don't like putting it on. Although there are many potential benefits to using a harness, it can do more harm than good […] | February 16, 2022

Showing 1,151-1,160 of 12,013 results