Showing 10,321-10,330 of 12,014 results

Canine Partners Rescued from Death on the Roads, Clyde Becomes Agility Champion
MACH Clyde MXB MJB owned by Mary Ann Werz of Iowa City, IA Mary Ann first spotted Clyde running in the middle of a busy street on her way to work.  “Every rib was showing. I pulled over and called to him, and he wouldn't come.  Called again, and he jumped into my arms,” Mary Ann said. […] | June 19, 2015
Canine Partners Are You Ready to Take the Plunge — Into Summer?
The first day of summer is Sunday (June 21) and our AKC Canine Partners members are taking the plunge in celebration of the season of swimming! The dog-paddling cutie above is Dusty, owned by Debby Cotellessa, and going for the gold below is Crockett, owned by Sue McGinness. For more information on joining the AKC […] | June 19, 2015
Canine Partners Canine Partners Member Moonlights as Model
Congratulations to Mack whose cute face is featured on the box of the Purina Alpo Variety Snacks treat box! Four-year-old Mack was once a stray dog, but thanks to his owner and trainer Mary Mackenzie of E. Carondelet, IL, he is now a beloved pet, as well as an agility competitor and a professional model […] | June 19, 2015
The owner handler social
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding The Owner-Handler
AKC Gazette breed column, Wire Fox Terriers: There is no reason that an owner-handler cannot compete with professional handlers and do some winning. You have a lovely dog who should be shown. You are not sure you can afford a professional handler, and you wonder if you should show him yourself. There is no reason that […] | June 19, 2015
Springer Spaniel sire
Expert Advice: News A Father’s Day Tribute: The Springer Spaniel Sire Who Made History
We observe Father’s Day with a look at one of the most influential canine dads of all time, English Springer Spaniel Ch. Salilyn’s Aristocrat. “Risto” in 1967 Esteemed breeder and AKC judge Pat Trotter shared an appreciation of “Risto” in the March 2006 AKC Gazette. Here is an excerpt: “The English Springer Spaniel Ch. Salilyn’s Aristocrat may […] | June 19, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Five Breeds Most Likely to be Mistaken for Bigfoot
All anyone has ever seen is a glimpse of these creatures, and there have been many different accounts, but there are two constants in all Bigfoot sightings. They are "as big as a man, and covered with hair from head to foot," one newspaper reported in 1884. Hmmmm. That could easily describe any number of […] | June 19, 2015
Expert Advice: Conformation Being an Effective Show Chairman
By Betty-Anne Stenmark "Reprinted with permission from Dogs in Review and author Betty-Anne Stenmark, from the May 2015 issue of Dogs in Review magazine." Fifteen years ago I applied for a volunteer coordinator position at an animal shelter. Before my interview, I asked myself, "What do you know about being a volunteer coordinator?” Finally it dawned on me; I […] | June 19, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Join the National Club and Show Support for Your Breed
It continues to amaze me that there are people out there who breed and show but do not belong to their breed’s national club. When I ask why they don’t belong, the answers most commonly heard are “I don’t need the club” or “What will the club do for me?” The fact is people have […] | June 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Conformation Alma Starbuck of Ambleside Wolfhounds Confronts the Breeder’s Dilemma
“Times Past,” AKC Gazette : This 1952 photo by Joan Ludwig features Alma Starbuck and one of her famed Irish Wolfhounds of Ambleside. In this passage from her book “The Complete Irish Wolfhound,” Mrs. Starbuck sets aside breed-specific concerns to discuss the age-old breeder’s quandary, type versus soundness: “Basically, the show ring seeks type, first […] | June 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Poodles in Paradise: Ale Kai, the Hawaii Years
“Times Past,” AKC Gazette: In the mid-1950s, industrialist Henry J. Kaiser and his wife, the former Alyce Chester (Aly or Ale to her friends), adopted Manalua Bay, Hawaii, as their home. A 1960 Time magazine article described their beachfront palace, and the kennel built to house their Alekai Poodles: “In true Kaiser style, even his […] | June 18, 2015

Showing 10,321-10,330 of 12,014 results