Showing 3,731-3,740 of 6,760 results

Expert Advice: AKC Family Dog One Moment They Had a Bright Future as a Search-Dog Team. Then It Was Gone.
We had Jaco less than 10 months when it happened. Jaco was a German Shepherd Dog exported from the Czech Republic when he was 16 months old. I wanted him to be my next scent-detection dog, a partner in the work I’ve done for more than a decade, finding the missing and the dead. He […] | September 23, 2020
Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy exploring in fall leaves.
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Why Does My Dog Kick The Grass After Pooping?
When you let your dog outdoors to take care of business and notice them kicking grass, sand, and dirt behind them, it's easy to think that the behavior is just a way to keep their area clean. In truth, it's actually a safety mechanism and an important part of how dogs communicate as a species. […] | September 22, 2020
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel laying down on the couch.
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Does My Dog Lick the Furniture?
Aside from catching the occasional crumb, why do dogs lick furniture or rugs obsessively? It may be a coping mechanism for something deeper. | September 21, 2020
Expert Advice: Lifestyle How to Celebrate Your Dog’s Birthday
Whether it's your dog's first birthday or their sweet 16, you'll want to celebrate. This guide can help you plan a great day for your beloved dog. | September 20, 2020
French Bulldog eating its birthday treat at the table.
Expert Advice: Lifestyle How to Bake a Birthday Cake for Your Dog
Looking to celebrate your dog's birthday? Try baking them a pet-safe birthday cake. Use this dog birthday cake recipe to celebrate your pup. | September 20, 2020
Expert Advice: Lifestyle How to Throw a Birthday Party for Your Dog
Are you among the percentage of pet owners who throw dog birthday parties? If not, you might be missing out on some big fun — for both you and your dog. And before you decide that it’s the silliest idea ever, think about it: people having fun, dogs having fun — what could be better? […] | September 20, 2020
Clubs & Delegates Federal Issues September 2020
AKC Government Relations team continues to monitor Congress for issues of interest to dog owners. Visit our 2020 Legislation Tracking page and click on “US Fed” on the map to get the latest updates on federal bills currently being monitored by the AKC. Highlights of issues we are currently addressing on the federal level include:  U.S. Congress […] | September 18, 2020
Clubs & Delegates Regulations Highlights September 2020
Here are some highlights of state-level regulatory issues AKC GR has recently addressed.  Visit AKC’s Regulatory Resource Center for more information on these and other significant regulatory issues addressed by AKC Government Relations. USDA APHIS - An updated version of USDA APHIS’ Public Search Tool, which provides access to Animal Welfare Act (AWA) compliance records, […] | September 18, 2020
Clubs & Delegates State Issues September 2020
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. California – AB 2257 addresses California’s new law regarding independent contractors being given the same benefits as employees.  While it was unclear whether this would apply to judges for events, an amendment in the bill requested by AKC GR and others clearly exempts […] | September 18, 2020
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Cavalier King Charles Spaniel History: Behind the Breed
In 1926, Roswell Eldridge placed an ad in a dog-show catalog that dared British breeders to bring a royal breed back from the brink of extinction. “Blenheim Spaniels of the Old Type, as shown in pictures of Charles II’s time, long face, no stop, flat skull, not inclined to be domed with spot in centre […] | September 17, 2020

Showing 3,731-3,740 of 6,760 results