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How to Get Started: The AKC Patch Program

The Club Volunteer’s role is to ensure the program can take place at your event, invite local youth, coordinate with them so they are prepared, and to provide support during the actual event. The AKC Public Education Department appreciate your efforts and is here to support you during this process. Please contact the Public Education Department at with any questions you may have.

Please note that templates for all communications listed below can be found on the AKC Patch Program resources web page.

  1. Ask for approval from your Club’s Show Chair and Superintendent.
  2. Contact local area youth and invite them to the show (see “Inviting Youth” for more details).
  3. Once the group(s) agree to attend, send them the RSVP information. Keep a list of your RSVPs.
  4. Complete the online form to request the AKC Patch Program documents.
  5. Send the logistical details and the AKC Patch Program document to your adult chaperone(s) at least 2 weeks prior to the event. The chaperone(s) is/are responsible for printing the document for each participant. If you plan to take photos, be sure to include the request for photo release in this communication.
  6. You may order your patches using the link below. You should order patches at least 30 days in advance. You can purchase patches here:


7. Within one week after the event has ended, send a follow up thank you email with a link to the feedback survey.

Hosting the AKC Patch Program

  1. Meet the group at the time and place you have designated to your contact in the email sent 2 weeks prior to the event.
  2. You may consider having signage posted around your event, especially at the entry doors, to remind the group(s) where to go.
  3. Conduct the orientation that is available for you under “Resources.”
  4. Ensure all participants have a copy of the AKC Patch Program document. You may want to have a few copies available just in case.
  5. Release the participants to start the program. Their adult chaperones should accompany them. Your role is to be visible for support and to answer questions. You are not to supervise the children.
  6. Meet the group at the time and place you have designated to follow up and to distribute patches.