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Learning Objectives

Students will analyze data from past dog shows to determine the probability of future dog show outcomes.


Grade Levels



Mathematics Common Core Standards

Understand that the probability of a chance event is a number between 0 and 1 that expresses the likelihood of the event occurring. Larger numbers indicate greater likelihood. A probability near 0 indicates an unlikely event, a probability around 1/2 indicates an event that is neither unlikely nor likely, and a probability near 1 indicates a likely event.

Approximate the probability of a chance event by collecting data on the chance process that produces it and observing its long-run relative frequency, and predict the approximate relative frequency given the probability. 


Materials Needed

Computer or personal cellular device with internet access (one per student group)

Classroom computer/Projector with sound and internet access

Calculator (one per student group)

YouTube Video, Statistics- Introduction to Probability 7th Grade Math: HERE

Student White Boards and Dry Erase Markers (one set per student)

AKC Article-17 Winning Show Dogs, A Roundup of AKC National Championship Winners: HERE

2018 AKC National Championship Results, Best in Show: HERE

Math Is Fun, Definition of Probability: HERE

Probability Practice Worksheet: HERE



Prior to Lesson

  • Students should have a working knowledge and understanding of fractions.

Introduction and Instruction

  • Begin the lesson by asking students what the term “probability” means to them. Have students share ideas and examples, for instance rolling a number on a die, weather forecasts, etc.
  • Provide students with a definition of probability. Use the Math Is Fun website to assist and provide a visual.
  • Have students watch the introductory YouTube video about Probability. Provide students with small whiteboards and dry erase markers to practice problems provided during the video. 
  • Stop and review each problem in the video with students. Discuss how to determine probability problems by using the fraction: number of ways you win/number of potential outcomes.  This is translated into a decimal or a percentage.  Talk about how percentages closer to 100% represent events that are more likely to happen, while percentages closer to 0% represent events that are less likely to occur.  Percentages that fall in between, like 50%, represent events that are neither unlikely or likely to happen. 
  • Pass out the AKC Article about the past 17 Best in Show Winners at the AKC National Championships and take note of the 2018 AKC National Championship Best in Show Winner. Read through them together as a class.  Explain that the 1st AKC National Championship took place in 2001, so there have been 18 total winners thus far. 
  • Ask students how they think a dog show might relate to probability. Brainstorm ideas as a class.  Does a dog win Best in Show by chance?  Or is there more involved?  Explain the importance of following breed standards as a judge and that judges must adhere to them when making their final decision of Best in Show. 

Group Project (Teacher-Facilitated)

  • Pair students into groups of two. Provide each student with the Probability Practice Worksheet and each student group with a calculator.  Ensure each group has a computer or personal cellular device with internet access.
  • Circulate and assist while students complete the activity.

Review and Closing

  • Review the Probability Practice Worksheet together as a class and discuss any concerns or questions students may have.


“Best in Show.”  American Kennel Club, (n.d),

“Dog Breeds.” American Kennel Club, (n.d.),

Gibeault, Stephanie. “17 Winning Show Dogs: A Roundup of AKC National Championship Winners.” American Kennel Club, 27 Sept 2018,

“Probability.” Math is Fun, 2018,

Stan at Mastermath. “Statistics – Introduction to Probability: 7th grade math.”  YouTube, 18 Feb 2012,