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Learning Objectives

Students will learn about how the system for returning lost dogs to their owners has been enhanced through technology.  This lesson will dive into the invention of the microchip for dogs and how it has changed society and the lives of dogs.


Grade Levels



National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Theme 8: Science, Technology, and Society


Materials Needed

Classroom Projector and Classroom Computer with Internet Access

Blank white paper

Art Supplies (scissors, crayons, markers, dog-themed stickers, etc.)

Dry Erase Boards and Markers (one per student pair)

Poster Board (one per student pair)

AKC Video, Microchipping Process: HERE

AKC Reunite Information, The Importance of Microchipping: HERE

Article, Three Reasons to Microchip Your Dog: HERE



Prior to the Lesson

  • Reach out to a local veterinarian in advance to arrange a classroom visit to show students what an ID tag and an actual microchip look like and to discuss their importance.

Introduction and Guided Instruction

  • Ask students if they have a family pet, specifically a dog. Discuss how important it is to make sure your dog has identification (such as an ID tag attached to the collar) in case he or she gets lost, and that it is a very important part of being a responsible dog owner.     
  • Ask students what they think should be written on the ID tag (dog’s name, address, phone number to call, etc.). Have students share their experiences with their own family dog and their ID tag.
  • Transition into a Think-Pair-Share Activity with students. Ask the question:  How has technology changed society over the years?  Students will briefly think to themselves about what they know or have learned about the topic. 
  • Pair each student with another student and have them share their thinking with a partner by writing answers on a dry erase board. Have student pairs share their examples with the whole class (cell phones, GPS, social media, music, internet, etc.).
  • Talk about how technology has not only changed the lives of humans, but also of many dogs in terms of identification. While dog ID tags are important, they can accidentally fall off the dog’s collar or become illegible.  A more permanent solution to ensuring a dog is found if lost, is a device that was introduced in the early 1990s, called the Microchip.
  • Show students a video about the microchipping process by Veterinarian, Dr. Andrea Tu on the AKC Website: HERE.
  • After watching the video, review it with the class and answer any questions or concerns students may have. Ask students if they have a family dog that is microchipped.
  • Talk about how after microchipping a dog, it is important to register or enroll the microchip in a recovery database, like AKC Reunite. By scanning its microchip, the dog can be returned to its owner if ever lost.

Independent Activity

  • Students will work with a partner to create an informational poster highlighting the importance of proper dog identification as a responsible dog owner.
  • Print enough copies of the article and AKC Reunite Information for student pairs and hand out. These will help students design their posters.
  • Students must put everything into their own words on their posters. The poster must have a title and be legible.  Students may use art supplies to decorate it.

Review and Closing

  • Student pairs will share their finished posters with the class as a review. Display posters around the classroom.

Lesson Extension

  • Have a local Veterinarian visit your classroom to talk about the importance of responsible dog ownership with dog ID tags and microchipping.
  • Students can create their own dog ID tag using blank paper and art supplies. Encourage students to draw a shape (for instance a dog bone) on blank paper big enough to write the dog identification information.  Students design their dog tag any way they would like and include their dog’s name, address, contact phone number, etc.  Teachers may laminate the tags when finished.



AKC Reunite Information on the Importance of Microchipping.  AKC Reunite, American Kennel Club,

Donovan, Liz.  “Three Reasons to Microchip Your Dog.” American Kennel Club, 08 Jun 2015,

“Why You Should Microchip Your Dog?”  American Kennel Club, 16 Sep 2014,