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Careers in Dogs


45-55 minutes

Resources Needed:

“Careers in Dogs” bingo sheet

Blank bingo squares

Computer with internet access for teacher


Invite a Canine Ambassador to visit your group to teach this lesson. They have excellent resources available to them.


  1. Ask students to raise their hand and share some things they know about people that work with dogs. Fill in their answers on a K-W-L chart under the “K.:
  2. Explain to students that there are many jobs for people who like dogs.
  3. Tell students that they will be playing a bingo game to learn about dog careers.
  4. Ask students what they would like to know about careers in dogs. Fill in their answers on the K-W-L chart under the “W.”
  5. Pass out the “Dog Careers Bingo” sheet. Students will need squares to cover the spaces as you play. You may choose to cut the squares out prior to the game depending on your students’ cutting skills.
  6. Using the teacher copy of the “Dog Careers Bingo” sheet, call out jobs and describe each job. You can read about these jobs here: AKC Careers in Dogs
  7. Invite students to ask questions about the jobs as you discuss them.
  8. Once a student has won bingo, you may choose to keep playing or stop. If you stop the game, ensure that all jobs have been discussed.
  9. Ask students what they have learned about careers in dogs. Fill in their answers in the “L” section of the K-W-L chart.
  10. Ask students to look at their game board and choose one job they would like to have.
  11. For younger students: instruct them to draw a picture of themselves performing the job and then talk to a partner about why they would choose that job.
  12. For older students: instruct them to draw a picture of themselves performing the job and to write 2-3 sentences about why they would choose that job.


Download a printable version of this lesson plan HERE.