Showing 9,831-9,840 of 12,014 results

Expert Advice: Basic Training Treats: The Rewards of Dog Training
Training with Treats Just about any dog can learn such basic commands as sit, come, and heel. Some can add a few others to their repertoire. Still others may be able to master surprisingly complex tricks. No matter what level of skill you’re aiming for, training your dog simply requires an investment of time, patience and, […] | May 8, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training The Art of Paper-Training
Paper-Training Your City DogMost city residents have no access to backyard lawns or grassy fields. If they want to become dog owners, chance are they’ll need to paper train their puppies. The task of paper-training your puppy is relatively simple: Select an enclosed area with a floor that’s easy to clean, such as a bathroom […] | January 1, 2009
Expert Advice: Basic Training Have Fun Teaching Your Dog Fun Tricks
Five Fun Tricks You’ll Want to Show Off In just a few easy lessons, your dog can learn to be the life of the party. This manual covers “Sit Up,” “Speak,” and other crowd-pleasing tricks that never fail to delight. But trick training isn’t just for laughs. It’s a great way to spend quality time with […] | May 8, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training The Practical Benefits of a Down-Stay
The sounds of "Stars and Stripes Forever" were blaring from a CD player in the backyard and children splashed in the pool. Matthew and Susan were hosting their annual Fourth of July cookout. As guests arrived in festive red, white and blue attire, they would ring the doorbell and immediately hear a few quick barks […] | May 22, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Training Happens All the Time: Explanation of Passive Training
There is a difference between Active and Passive dog training and all interactions with your dog matter. Many dog owners train their dogs daily, are active in taking group classes, and some even compete at high levels.  This is called active training. But you might not be aware that your dog is learning all the time. […] | June 10, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Mind Your P’s & Q’s! Part 3 – When & How to Use Verbal Commands
By AKC GoodDog! Helpline Trainer Breanne Long This is the final installment of a three-part series on using verbal cues/commands correctly. In this segment, we discuss choosing a verbal cue that does not confuse your dog. In this last installment on verbal cues, we will discuss actions that humans use the same word for and […] | October 2, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Location, Location, Location: Choosing a Dog Trainer
When we did agility with our dog, we drove 2.5 hours one way to take lessons from a world-class trainer. I have a friend in Houston who starts a 2-hour drive across Houston in 5 o’clock traffic to get to the best training school she could find. So when we surveyed 3500 dog owners and discovered […] | April 24, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training 3 Keys to Successful Dog Training
I think the three most important words to remember in dog training are consistency, patience, and fun. While many of us believe this, we sometimes forget to practice it. Consistency When you are training a behavior, you must consistently reward the behavior. If the behavior is new to the dog, you must immediately positively reinforce […] | October 29, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Important Rule of Dog Training: One Thing at a Time
AKC GoodDog! Helpline trainer Hilarie Erb explains why it is important to teach your dog each skill separately and to not package them together. In dog training, a good phrase to remember is “one thing at a time.” This means that every behavior you teach should be practiced by itself, not following or preceding any […] | August 4, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Expecting a New Human Addition: Prep Your Dog Before the Arrival
Tips from the AKC GoodDog! Helpline TrainersYou should prepare your dog for the arrival of a new infant, the same as you would prepare your nursery. Most dogs get along fine with babies but it makes it easier on everyone if the dog had some advance preparation. Before the Baby Arrives ·         Make sure your […] | June 24, 2015

Showing 9,831-9,840 of 12,014 results