Showing 9,791-9,800 of 12,014 results

Expert Advice: Studies Study Shows Dogs Can Tell the Difference Between Happy And Angry Faces
Whenever a new study comes out proving that dogs are exquisitely attuned to our emotions and highly skilled at reading our body language, the general reaction of dog owners is, “well, of course! Everyone knows that.” People who live with and love dogs may believe in a dogs' sensitivity to human emotion, but scientific research […] | January 18, 2016
Expert Advice: Government Relations Don’t Have Dog Park Yet? Start Your Own!
Below is just a basic overview. For more, visit the Government Relations page. Here are the steps on the road to making a community dog park a reality. Start with a core group of committed dog park activists Talk with other individuals who are concerned about the lack of off-leash spaces. This group may form […] | April 20, 2015
Expert Advice: Events National Dog Bite Prevention Week: Know the Facts
Every year, millions of Americans are bitten by dogs. With care and knowledge, most bites can be prevented. All this week the AKC will bring you tips for preventing dog bites and expert advice about canine behavior, responsible dog ownership, and what to do if you are bitten.  Here are a few dog-bite stats to […] | May 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Where Do Dogs Sleep at Night?
Partner A wants dog to sleep in the bed. Wet-blanket Partner B says no can(ine) do. Kid says he needs to bunk with his buddy. Parent says his bedroom is a No Pup Zone.   Where the dog beds down for the night is a frequent source of disagreement between those who feel that there […] | August 6, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Breeds Who Enjoy Drafting Just for the Haul of it
If the word "drafting" is unfamiliar to you, you’renot alone. It’s one of those dog sports that probably isn’t on the radar of the average dog owner. The basic definition is the act of pulling a cart or wagon. (And "carting" is often used interchangeably.) Some of the breeds in the Working Group were originally […] | May 1, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Check Out the Winners of the “Dog Days of Summer” Art Contest for Kids!
With school back in session, days getting shorter, and temperatures getting cooler, this seems like a good time to take a fond look back at all the fun adventures dog-loving kids had this summer, with their pals front and center. To do that, the AKC Public Education Program held a “Dog Days of Summer” art […] | October 16, 2015
Expert Advice: Grooming These Flowing, Glamorous Coats Give Us Breed Envy
Seeming to float around the dog show ring, with a silky, lustrous coat waving, some long-coated breeds may inspire envy in their human admirers: As a silver Afghan Hound glided past, a spectator turned to her companion and said, “I’d kill to have hair like that!” But even dogs who’ve never stepped foot in a […] | August 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny 9 Reasons Why Dogs Make The Best Cuddle Buddies
Sorry cat lovers, dogs are simply better snugglers. Here are nine reasons why dogs are the best cuddle buddies: 1. They will be the big spoon or the little spoon.   2. They manage to look cute when stealing your blanket. And because they look SO adorable, you don't even care that you're blanket-less.   […] | August 8, 2016
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny 15 Reasons To Love Siberian Huskies
Loyal, mischievous, and outgoing -- there's certainly nothing boring about Siberian Huskies. The popular breed has won over the hearts of many with their playful and friendly nature. And if you're a Husky lover, these images will look familiar:   1. They know how to work their best angles.     A photo posted by […] | March 30, 2016
Expert Advice: Events Junior Spotlight: A Competitor from the Last Frontier
Staying competitive out of state while competing in Alaska is not as easy as it may sound. Sixteen-year-old Junior Handler Destiny Lytle can confirm that. Growing up a resident of Palmer, Alaska, she’s had to deal with some extreme weather while still maintaining a high level of competitiveness. Destiny says that the average Alaskan sporting […] | January 19, 2016

Showing 9,791-9,800 of 12,014 results