Showing 951-960 of 3,367 results

Poodle retrieving a dumbbell in Obedience.
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Top 10 Breeds of the 1970s
Poodles retain their position as the country’s top dog for a second decade and have regularly remained in the top ten since. The Doberman Pinscher made its first appearance in the top ten in the 1970s as the number-three breed. The breed would remain in the top ten for the 1980s as well. The Miniature […] | February 13, 2015
Beagle on leash sniffing in the grass.
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Top 10 Breeds of the 1950s
The only breed to rank in the top ten breeds every decade since the founding of the American Kennel Club became the nation’s top breed in the 1950s—the Beagle. Not coincidentally, Charles Schultz’s pet Beagle, Snoopy, made his illustrious first appearance in national newspapers on October 4, 1950, and swiftly became a pop phenomenon. The […] | February 13, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Mind Your P’s & Q’s! When and How to Use Verbal Commands
By AKC GoodDog! Helpline Trainer Breanne Long This is Part 1 of a three-part series on using verbal cues/commands correctly. You may be surprised to learn that the verbal cue is not important when you first start training a new behavior. A common mistake seen among puppy owners is adding cue words too early. If […] | October 1, 2015
Poodle snuggling with a woman at home.
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Top 10 Breeds of the 1960s
The Poodle, recognized by the AKC in 1887, did not make the top ten breeds until the 1950s, when it ranked number seven. This glamorous show dog and companion strutted into the number-one position in the 1960s and would become the first breed to hold the number-one crown for two consecutive decades. German Shepherd Dogs, […] | February 13, 2015
Senior Staffordshire Bull Terrier running outdoors.
Expert Advice: Health Dementia in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments
Just like humans with Alzheimer's disease, dogs can suffer from Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome or dog dementia. Learn the signs and how you can treat it. | July 6, 2023
young couple walking their beagle dog on a retractable leash down a path
Expert Advice: Fitness & Exercise Conditioning Basics For Your Canine Athlete
Regular exercise and keeping your dog in good physical condition is important for all canines, and essential if you are thinking about participating in any dog sports together. Human athletes prepare their bodies before hitting the court or field, and it's the same for canine athletes. Well-conditioned dogs are less likely to be injured than […] | October 9, 2019
Cocker Spaniel running in the yard.
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Top 10 Breeds of the 1940s
No doubt spurred on by the famous Best in Show wins of My Own Brucie in the early 1940s, accompanied by this handsome dog’s likeness appearing on the cover of Life, the Cocker Spaniel became the country’s number-one dog. The breed enjoyed the number-one ranking for sixteen years, from 1936 to 1952. Although the Pekingese […] | February 13, 2015
Collie standing in profile in a field.
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Top 10 Breeds of the 1900s
The Collie, on a continual climb since its number-seven position in the 1880s, became the number-one breed of the first decade of the new century. The breed ranked in the top ten breeds for seven decades of the 20th century. The number-two breed of the decade, the Boston Terrier, became the first small companion dog […] | February 13, 2015
Woman using vacuum standing near fluffy white dog
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Why Do Puppies Shed Their Coats?
There is not much in this world cuter than a puppy. Besides their downy ears and ridiculous antics, part of their undeniable appeal is their soft puppy coats. Unfortunately for adoring owners, puppyhood doesn’t last forever. Loss of puppy coat is a normal part of your dog’s growth, but it can be alarming for first-time […] | January 1, 2022
German Shorthaired Pointer puppy with its owner training off leash in a field.
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Puppy Training Timeline: Teaching Good Behavior Before It’s Too Late
Puppies, like human babies, do a lot of learning to do in their early months, especially when it comes to navigating their new environment and adopting good manners. For tips on how to facilitate that learning, we turned to certified dog trainer Kate Naito, who is also an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and Manners […] | January 1, 2022

Showing 951-960 of 3,367 results