Showing 941-950 of 1,676 results

Clubs & Delegates State Issues May 2017
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2017 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. Alabama — House Bill 91 would create a civil cause of action of wrongful injury or death of a companion or service animal when a […] | June 14, 2018
Clubs & Delegates What’s New from AKC Government Relations September 2017
The AKC Government Relations Department is committed to protecting your right to own, breed, and exhibit the dog of your choice.  This advocacy is essential to the future of dog ownership in our country. Among the many measures that AKC is currently engaged with is AB 485 in California. This problematic proposal calls for a […] | December 13, 2017
Clubs & Delegates State Issues September 2017
State Issues: News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2017 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. California —AB 485 seeks to require all dogs, cats, and rabbits offered for retail sale […] | December 13, 2017
Clubs & Delegates What’s New From AKC Government Relations October 2017
This fall has been a very busy one for the AKC Government Relations team, as we continue to advocate for the rights of responsible dog owners and breeders and promote positive canine legislative policy. Earlier this month, Sheila Goffe testified before Congress on the issue of shortage of appropriate, domestically bred dogs available for work […] | December 13, 2017
Clubs & Delegates State Issues October 2017
State Issues: News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2017 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. California —AB 485 requires that all pet dogs, cats, and rabbits offered for retail sale […] | December 13, 2017
Clubs & Delegates Reichman First Two-Time Winner of Bebout Award
AKC Government Relations is delighted to announce that Barbara Reichman of the NAIA Trust of New Jersey has become the first two-time winner of the Walter Bebout Memorial Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation by the American Kennel Club. Mrs. Reichman was first awarded with a Bebout Award in 2014, in recognition of her work […] | December 13, 2017
Clubs & Delegates Local Issues October 2017
Local/Other: Issues at the City, County, and Metropolitan Levels, and in U.S. Territories The AKC Government Relations Department is pleased to assist dog owners with canine legislation issues in their local communities, but we can't help unless we are aware of the proposal. Please contact us at (919) 816-3720 or when new laws are discussed or […] | December 13, 2017
Clubs & Delegates AKC GR Out and About October 2017
The American Kennel Club’s Government Relations team has had an extremely busy two months, starting with the 15th annual AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day (RDO) held in Raleigh, NC on September 9th.  Each September, the AKC hosts AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Days to educate first-time dog owners about the responsibilities of dog ownership and help current […] | December 13, 2017
Westie in DC
Clubs & Delegates Five Things Your Parent Club Can Do to Impact Dog Laws & Protect Members’ Rights
By Jennifer Clark, Director, Legislative Outreach A club member sends you an e-mail or forwards you a social media story about an issue they are fighting in their community that could impact dog owners.  You hear a story on the news about a proposed dog law.  As a parent club, what can you do to […] | August 21, 2017
Ann Lettis and Kindra
Clubs & Delegates Bebout Award Winner Donates Prize to AKC’s Canine Legislative Support Fund
Ann Lettis, winner of the American Kennel Club’s Walter Bebout Memorial Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation, has announced that she is donating the prize money accompanying the award to the AKC’s Canine Legislation Support Fund. “I could think of no better use for the money than to support the CLSF. I’ve worked with the […] | August 15, 2017

Showing 941-950 of 1,676 results