Showing 9,301-9,310 of 12,019 results

mastiff best in booth
Expert Advice: Events Mastiff Wins AKC Meet the Breeds “Best Booth in Show”
Every year in conjunction with the AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin the general public is given the exciting opportunity to meet (and more importantly, play with!) over 100 different dog breeds at AKC Meet the Breeds. Attendees get the opportunity to learn about the different breeds and find out which dog might be […] | December 17, 2017
breeder of the year winner
Expert Advice: Events Helyne E. Medeiros Named 2017 AKC Breeder of the Year
The annual AKC Breeder of the Year award honors those breeders who have made an impact on their breed and dedicated their lives to improving the health, temperament and quality of purebred dogs. This year, Helyne E. Medeiros was presented with the 2017 AKC Breeder of the Year award for her Seasyde Pointers at the […] | December 17, 2017
Woman hiking with dog in the mountains
Expert Advice: Flea & Tick Pests Still Pose Threat in Winter
Cover of Snow Offers No Protection From Pests for Dogs Fleas, ticks and other pests seem to be year-round tormentors of dogs, some veterinarians say. Snow may be covering the ground, but dog owners must still be vigilant about pest control, says veterinarian Michael Dryden, of Kansas State University, in an article on the Companion […] | March 23, 2015
Legislative Alerts Another Minnesota Bill Seeks to Penalize Fraudulent Misrepresentation of Animals as Service Animals
Minnesota House File 2815, which is scheduled to be considered by the House Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee on Thursday, March 8, seeks to make misrepresenting an animal as a service animal a misdemeanor.  All Minnesota residents are encouraged to contact the members of the committee and express support of HF 2815. The AKC […] | March 7, 2018
Legislative Alerts Maryland: Committee to Consider Limits on Consumer Choice on Monday (3/12)
The Maryland House Economic Matters Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Monday, March 12, which will prohibit retail pet stores (defined as any “for profit establishment open to the public that sells or offers for sale domestic animals to be kept as pets”) from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, they would only […] | March 7, 2018
Legislative Alerts Connecticut Info: Public Hearing on Dog-Related Bills Scheduled for Friday, March 9
On Friday, March 9, 2018, the Connecticut General Assembly’s Environment Committee is scheduled to consider several dog-related bills.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) encourages all concerned Connecticut residents to contact the committee members and respectfully share their views. House Bill 5355 – This bill seeks to amend several statutes regarding how a dog may be kept […] | March 6, 2018
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Learn About the AKC DNA Profile Program
The American Kennel Club (AKC) DNA Profile Program technology allows breeders, dog owners, and the AKC to ensure that the AKC Registry is the most accurate in the world. AKC DNA profiling is required for: Frequently Used Sires (dogs having the greatest impact on the AKC Stud Book); imported breeding stock; dogs that have semen collected for fresh-extended or […] | March 7, 2018
Golden Retreiver in a Halloween witch costume
Expert Advice: General Health Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe This Halloween
Halloween is a widely celebrated holiday, and as such, it is one of the holidays that leads to a significant increase in call volume at Pet Poison Helpline. Halloween can be a scary and hazardous time of year for most pets, since many parts of our celebration are dangerous to them. So here's a helpful […] | October 12, 2016
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues How Do I Change My Dog’s Bathroom Habit?
Ask AKC   Dear AKC: My dog is a wonderful Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua mix. My question has to do with taking him to go out. He will only go to the bathroom where other dogs have gone. My husband and I moved into a townhouse where no one has lived before. As a result, he will […] | May 12, 2015
Child reading with a therapy dog
Expert Advice: News See How Therapy Dogs Help Students Learn English
The students at P.S. 57 in New York City have gained some furry help in learning English as a second language. The school works with the Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ) program to ease the challenges and pressures these young students face. The READ program partnered with P.S. 57 in October to help 15 students […] | March 8, 2018

Showing 9,301-9,310 of 12,019 results