Showing 81-90 of 440 results

Senior obese longhaired Dachshund at home.
Expert Advice: Senior Dog Health Age-Related Hearing and Vision Loss in Dogs
Is your senior dog dealing with hearing loss and vision loss? Here are some things to know about conditions that cause these issues and how to help your pet. | February 12, 2020
Expert Advice: News Beyond Iditarod: The History and Future of Sled Dogs
When you think of sled dogs, your mind may go straight to the legendary dog races, such as the Iditarod, in which teams of beautiful huskies pull mushers (the sport's term for the sled drivers) through ice and snow. It's a stunning thing to watch, but there's much more to sled dogs' history than just […] | January 30, 2020
Expert Advice: Feature Duo Dogs Provide Service, Therapy, & Comfort To Those Needing It Most
In November, a 2-year-old black Labrador Retriever named Hatty made headlines as the first facility dog to be employed by the Cook County State Attorney’s Office in Illinois. Specifically, Hatty has been tasked with providing courtroom comfort to child victims of violence and sexual assault. Trained and provided by the St. Louis-based organization Duo Dogs, […] | January 10, 2020
Expert Advice: Feature Therapy Dogs Help Calm Capitol Hill Lawmakers Amid Impeachment Hearings
Is Capitol Hill going to the dogs? The vote is still out, but on the first day of the public impeachment hearings in November, 15 certified therapy dogs and their handlers went to work in Washington D.C. Among them were two Samoyeds, 12-year-old Zamboni, and 8-year-old Spumoni, and Mac, a 4-year-old Boerboel. Unlike lobbyists who […] | January 7, 2020
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Silent Night: Understanding Why Dogs Bark & Creating a Quieter Kennel  
Dogs bark. It's a fact of life that nearly all dog owners must accept. Barking is a self-rewarding behavior. But it is important for breeders and kennel owners to understand the different types of barking, and when it has turned into a problem behavior.  Canine Sounds & What They Mean A bark or vocalization is not just a bark or a vocalization.  A dog owner, breeder, or […] | December 5, 2019
Expert Advice: Why does my dog... Why Do Dogs Dig?
Digging is such a source of joy for so many dogs. Has your dog filled your yard with holes? Does your garden look like gophers had a wild party? Digging is a common problem behavior in dogs, and many dog owners suffer the consequences at some point. It can be challenging to prevent, and dangerous […] | October 25, 2019
Beagle laying down in its open crate.
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Alone Time for Dogs: How Much Is Too Much?
If you have a busy schedule, you may have to leave your dogs alone more often than you'd like. Here's how to make the time apart as comfortable as possible. | September 4, 2019
Expert Advice: Feature Meet Three Amazing Mobility Service Dogs and Learn What They Do
Every day, specially trained mobility service dogs help people with balance, strength, or moveability issues live a happy, independent, and fulfilling life. What Do Mobility Service Dogs Do? Mobility service dogs can be trained to perform a variety of tasks, including: Pressing the button on automatic doors Retrieving dropped items Retrieving out-of-reach objects (like a […] | August 1, 2019
Expert Advice: Grooming Top 7 Best Pet Massage Tools for Dogs
Looking for the best pet massage tools? It's no secret that pets, like many humans, love a massage. And as with people, the feel-good benefits of a massage can have a meaningful impact on overall mental and physical health. It's true, a massage can help your dog by reducing stress, anxiety, and aches and pains, […] | July 29, 2019
Sad Golden Retriever laying in the grass.
Expert Advice: Health Do Dogs Grieve Other Dogs?
Grief, and the whirlwind of emotions that come with it, is something we have all likely felt at one time or another, whether it's after the loss of a friend, family member, or beloved pet. What's harder to know is whether grief, as we understand it, is something that our canine companions feel when they lose […] | July 15, 2019

Showing 81-90 of 440 results