Showing 81-90 of 226 results

Canine Partners Dog born under an abandoned home finds success at Tracking
Abby Salois TD owned by Yuko Salois of La Mesa CA Abby almost didn’t get the chance to have this wonderful story. She and her mother, brothers and sisters were barely existing beneath an abandoned home when Labrador Rescuers pulled the family from its apparent destiny. Named “Susie” by her new guardians, Abby’s mother was […] | July 14, 2017
Expert Advice: Feature Adapting to Change: Unexpected Ways Dog People Found Purpose in the Pandemic
2020 was a year of pain, sadness, and frustration. For our sport, it has meant many months of doing without the weekly dog shows where we compete and socialize. We’re all familiar with the old saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” That phrase was never truer than in 2020, when fanciers found innovative […] | February 5, 2021
AKC logo
Pages History of the American Kennel Club
Our Beginnings On September 17, 1884, a group of twelve dedicated sportsmen, responding to a "meeting call" from Messrs. J. M. Taylor and Elliot Smith, met in the rooms of the Philadelphia Kennel Club in that city. Each member of the group was a representative or "delegate" from a dog club that had, in the […] | December 19, 2014
The American Kennel Club (AKC®) is pleased to recognize its affiliated dog clubs which have been holding AKC events for over 100 years and are an essential part of the sport of dogs. Founded in 1884, AKC together with its affiliated organizations promote responsible dog ownership, conduct over 23,000 organized dog events per year, breed […] | May 19, 2022
two poodles outdoors top 5 most popular breeds
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2021
It goes without saying that in your house, your dog is the most popular. But what do the statistics say? The American Kennel Club has used registration data to compile the list of 2021’s most popular breeds. As always, the Labrador Retriever tops the list — this time for the 31st year!  The Lab's temperament […] | March 15, 2022
Pages 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award Nominees
In its endless pursuit to recognize outstanding members of the fancy, The American Kennel Club Lifetime Achievement Awards were created and first awarded in 1999 to honor our best. The purpose of the awards is to celebrate those individuals whose many years of dedication have led to significant contributions to our sport on a national […] | February 22, 2021
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Silent Night: Understanding Why Dogs Bark & Creating a Quieter Kennel  
Dogs bark. It's a fact of life that nearly all dog owners must accept. Barking is a self-rewarding behavior. But it is important for breeders and kennel owners to understand the different types of barking, and when it has turned into a problem behavior.  Canine Sounds & What They Mean A bark or vocalization is not just a bark or a vocalization.  A dog owner, breeder, or […] | December 5, 2019
Expert Advice: General Health Is Your Home’s Heat Too Warm For Your Dogs?
Dogs, like humans, do not tolerate significant variation of body temperature. On average, a dog's normal body temperature is 101.5 degrees F. Small dogs may have a slightly lower temperatures and large dogs slightly higher. Because of this inability to handle wide swings in their body temperatures, dogs have wonderful internal mechanisms that keep their […] | January 2, 2022
Clubs & Delegates State Issues December 2021
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Connecticut – Deputy Speaker Mushinsky has met with two state agencies regarding legislation for therapy dog recognition. A bill is expected to be re-drafted and re-filed for next year. Connecticut – In an October 28 Connecticut Post opinion, […] | December 15, 2021
Clubs & Delegates State Issues November 2021
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Connecticut – Deputy Speaker Mushinsky has met with two state agencies regarding legislation for therapy dog recognition. A bill is expected to be re-drafted and re-filed for next year. Connecticut – In an October 28 Connecticut Post opinion, […] | November 15, 2021

Showing 81-90 of 226 results