Showing 881-890 of 1,684 results

Legislative Alerts Federations: A Strong Voice for Dog Owners
Did you know that the American Kennel Club recognizes over 40 state and local federations, coalitions, and alliances? These hardworking organizations are made up of AKC-affiliated clubs and other concerned individuals who are interested in protecting and promoting the world of purebred dogs. They understand that by joining forces, they can wield a powerful voice […] | June 2, 2003
Legislative Alerts Washington House Set to Consider Limits on Consumer Choice on Tuesday (2/5)
February 1, 2019 The Washington House Committee on Consumer Protection & Business will hear House Bill 1640 in a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 5, and in executive session on Thursday, February 7. HB 1640 will prohibit retail pet stores from selling any dog or cat unless the dog or cat has been obtained from […] | February 1, 2019
Legislative Alerts Hawaii Update: Dog-Related Bills Set for Hearing on Fri., Feb. 8
Friday, February 01, 2019 The Hawaii House Agriculture Committee is scheduled to consider several dog-related bills at its meeting on Friday, February 8, 2019.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) and our Hawaii federation, the Pacific Pet Alliance, encourage all concerned Hawaiian dog breeders and owners to contact the committee members and express their views before […] | February 1, 2019
Legislative Alerts NH: Bill Requiring Inspections for Hobby Breeders Set for Hearing February 7th, 1pm – TAKE ACTION NOW!
Thursday, January 31, 2019 New Hampshire House Bill 688 - An Act Relative to Transfer and Inspection of Animals, which both the American Kennel Club (AKC) and our New Hampshire federation, the Dog Owners of the Granite State (DOGS), have serious concerns about, has been scheduled for public hearing on Thursday, February 7, 2019 at […] | January 31, 2019
Legislative Alerts Maryland: Ask Committees to Oppose Bills Infringing on Ownership Rights
Maryland House and Senate committees are considering bills over the next week that could cause an owner to permanently lose ownership of their animals when they are suspected of cruelty – even if they are found not guilty. The AKC agrees that anyone found guilty of cruelty should be punished appropriately, including being responsible for […] | January 28, 2019
Legislative Alerts NH Alert: Hobby Breeder Bill to be Considered Soon – TAKE ACTION NOW!
Friday, January 25, 2019 The American Kennel Club (AKC) and our New Hampshire federation, the Dog Owners of the Granite State (DOGS), are seriously concerned about a newly filed bill, HB 688 - An Act Relative to Transfer and Inspection of Animals. The bill is expected to be considered in a public hearing before the […] | January 25, 2019
Clubs & Delegates What’s New From GR January 2019
Last year, AKC GR tracked more than 2,100 bills and regulatory acts with the potential to affect dogs and dog owners. Success in protecting the rights of dog owners and ensuring the well-being of dogs is achieved through the hard work of dedicated owners, breeders, sportsmen, and exhibitors who take action. What was very clear […] | January 22, 2019
Clubs & Delegates New Year, New Dog Laws – Make Sure You are in Compliance
2018 was another busy year for AKC Government Relations, its state federations, and responsible dog owners and breeders advocating for dogs.  Over 2,100 bills impacting animals were monitored by AKC Government Relations department.  Several new laws impacting dog owners and breeders were enacted over the past year.  It is imperative for responsible owners to ensure […] | January 22, 2019
Clubs & Delegates Local Issues January 2019
The AKC Government Relations Department is pleased to assist dog owners with canine legislation issues in their local communities, but we can't help unless we are aware of the proposal. Please contact us at (919) 816-3720 or when new laws are discussed or introduced in your city or county. We will provide you with resources and […] | January 22, 2019
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Allan Unleashed: Everything Old is New Again
Dog owners are nothing if not fickle in their tastes. Breed popularity is cyclical through the years and, too often, based on a dog’s random star turn in a movie, TV commercial, or YouTube video (with little research done on the breed’s exercise and grooming needs.) What Happened to Afghan Hounds? Most people are surprised […] | December 6, 2018

Showing 881-890 of 1,684 results