Showing 811-820 of 1,586 results

A vintage portrait of two Smooth Fox Terriers standing on a stoop.
Pages Breeds by Year Recognized
The AKC currently registers 200 dog breeds. The chart below lists all AKC recognized breeds and the year they first became registrable with the AKC.  DATE – BREED 1878 – Pointer  1878 – Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)  1878 – Spaniel (Clumber)  1878 – Spaniel (Cocker)  1878 – Setter (English)  1878 – Setter (Gordon)  1878 – Setter […] | August 12, 2019
Pages Listening to Dog Stories Lesson Plan
Learning Objectives Students will tell basic facts gleaned from listening to conversations and stories about dogs. ELL Levels Emerging Materials Needed Two native English speakers (Canine Ambassador can assist) Lesson Introduction Students will listen to a conversation between two native English speakers about one person’s new dog. The Canine Ambassador can come in to facilitate […] | August 8, 2019
Expert Advice: General Health How to Tell If Your Dog Is in Shape Or Overweight
If your pooch is looking a bit more pudgy than usual, it's actually quite common. The battle of the bulge isn't just something people face — so do pets. In fact, according to a 2018 survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 55.8 percent of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. And […] | August 7, 2019
Pomeranians being trained to dance outdoors.
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Competing in Sports With a ‘Challenging Dog’
If you have a "challenging" dog, it can be easy to feel discouraged, especially if you dream of training and competing in dog sports. | August 5, 2019
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Junior Handler Spotlight: Audrey Boyer
Eleven-year-old Audrey Boyer goes by another name: Whippet Girl. For people that know her, this isn't surprising. Not only does she have three Whippets (Disco, Yoshi, and Major) but they are her passion. She competes with her dogs in Conformation, Rally, Obedience, and Dock Diving. Her Facebook page, Whippet Girl, is dedicated to helping educate […] | August 2, 2019
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog Best Toys and Games For Senior Dogs
Even though your dog's puppy years are far behind him, his need to play is still strong. Playtime provides senior dogs with mental stimulation, keeps their cognitive skills in tip-top shape, and helps them maintain a youthful personality. It's important to engage your senior dog in mentally challenging, age-appropriate play. Here are our picks for the best toys and games […] | July 24, 2019
Expert Advice: Home & Living Traveling to the Beach? Pack the Perfect Go-Bag for Your Dog
If you’re planning to hit the beach with your dog this summer, a go-bag full of essentials can make all the difference. Here are some products your pup can use in the surf, sun, and sand! By planning ahead with a few well-chosen items, you can make sure that your dog has a safe and happy […] | July 22, 2019
Yorkshire terrier poking its head out the window of a recreational vehicle.
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure How to Travel Safely in an RV with a Dog
Road-tripping in an RV is a great way to include your dog in your vacation plans. But, for many people, RV travel is more than a break from the daily grind — it is their daily routine. People of all ages are turning to full-time RV living, and they're bringing their pets along for the […] | July 12, 2019
Expert Advice: Conformation The Many Benefits of Joining a Dog Club
Whether you are just entering the world of purebred dogs or have been a breeder, exhibitor and participant for many decades, joining your local and national dog club is hugely beneficial. You will derive different benefits from different organizations but all will contribute to your ongoing education in the sport. Your Local All-Breed Kennel Club […] | July 12, 2019
Expert Advice: Grooming How to Clean a Dog’s Ears
As pet owners, knowing how to clean a dog's ears is important. Here's how to know if your dog's ears are dirty and how to safely clean them. | July 9, 2019

Showing 811-820 of 1,586 results