Showing 71-80 of 1,586 results

Labrador retriever puppy wearing a harness being carried outdoors.
Expert Advice: Puppy Information How to Prepare Your Apartment for a New Puppy
You're bringing home your new puppy pretty soon. But while you're overjoyed, you've also never owned a puppy while living in an apartment, so you aren't sure what to expect. Don't worry — even in a small space or a rental, you can raise a happy and healthy puppy. By taking preventative measures and dedicating […] | November 16, 2021
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Get to Know the Sighthound Breeds
Originally bred in wide open land, Sighthounds pursue prey over long distances by sight rather than scent. Relying on their keen vision and astounding... | July 1, 2024
Golden Retriever on an exam table having its heart checked by a vet.
Expert Advice: Weight Management How to Tell if Your Dog is Underweight
Dogs can be underweight due to diet or underlying health problems. How do you recognize if your dog is underweight and what do you do about it? | July 1, 2024
Down and Back: Stores From the American Kennel Club Archives Podcast
Pages Down and Back: Stories From the American Kennel Club Archives Dog Podcast
In our award-winning Down and Back: Stories From the American Kennel Club Archives dog podcast, now in Season Four, host Bud Boccone tells the tales of breeds, dogs, and personalities who’ve shaped America (and Americans) over generations. Using the American Kennel Club's historical records, archival material, oral histories, interviews, and more, the show brings dog […] | December 20, 2023
Pages First Certificate of Merit Earned
Effective January 1, 2010 Miscellaneous breeds became eligible to compete for the Certificate of Merit.  Congratulations to the first recipients of this new title. Russell Terrier, Frayed Knot Spike, was the first of the eligible breeds to earn a Certificate of Merit in May 2010. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The breeds listed below were top point holders […] | November 17, 2017
Bull Terrier rolling in the grass outdoors at sunset.
Expert Advice: General Health Benadryl For Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Dosage Information
The temptation to reach into our medicine cabinets to treat our pets can be dangerous. Humans and dogs react very differently to medications, which is why veterinarians caution dog owners against making independent decisions about how to medicate their animals. However, some human medications are safe for use with dogs, as long as they are […] | April 23, 2021
Sports & Events RHP Facility Criteria
Kennel must be neat and clean -- free of dirt, fecal accumulation, odors and parasite infestation. Good ventilation and proper temperatures must be maintained within healthful comfortable limits for the dogs. Fencing must be sturdy and well maintained -- being of substantial strength and height to safely secure dogs. Exercise areas must provide adequate shelter […] | October 26, 2017
West Highland White Terrier and Pug on a walk in the city.
Expert Advice: Basic Training Dog Harnesses and Dog Collars: Which Is Right For Your Dog?
Dog collar or harness? What's the best option for your dog? With the many options for each, it's important to weigh the pros and cons. | November 16, 2021
Golden Retriever getting a treat from a woman while posing for a photo outdoors.
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog How Group Activities Can Benefit You and Your Dog
Participating in dog sports is healthy for you and your pet. A bonus is meeting and spending time with people who enjoy the same dog activities you do. | June 26, 2024
Expert Advice: General Health Black Fly Bites on Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments
Black fly bites heal on their own within a few days, but you should consult a veterinarian if your dog experiences hives or facial swelling. | June 26, 2024

Showing 71-80 of 1,586 results