Showing 7,951-7,960 of 12,024 results

scent work
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Scent Work Gave This High-Energy and Incredibly Smart Dog a Job to Do
When Allison Wilt first picked up her dog, Finn, from a rescue organization three years ago, he was a bundle of nerves. "People kept passing him off because they described him as being 'a lot of dog,'" Wilt recalls. "He was very reactive to people and other dogs, at first. He didn’t know who his […] | June 27, 2018
ptsd awareness
Expert Advice: News How Dogs Are Helping Returning Military Soldiers Combat PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, does not discriminate. Factors outside one’s control can lead to this anxiety disorder, which affects millions of people — including some of the brave men and women who serve in our military armed forces. During their years of service, military personnel are at a greater risk of exposure to highly traumatic […] | June 27, 2018
--Annual Event Educates Public on How to Be Effective Dog Owners-- New York, NY – The American Kennel Club® (AKC®) is preparing for the 16th annual AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day (AKC RDO Days). This summer and fall hundreds of clubs and dog organizations around the country will host free events to educate the dog-loving […] | June 27, 2018
Legislative Alerts New York Legislature Adjourns, Resulting in Numerous Victories for Dogs
The New York Assembly and Senate officially adjourned, resulting in several victories for responsible owners, breeders, and hobbyists in the state. Thanks to your phone calls and emails, bills did not advance that would have regulated hobby breeders, created unclear regulations for dog trainers, or made dangerous and unreasonable changes to the state’s consumer protection […] | June 26, 2018
Legislative Alerts AKC Reiterates Concerns with Dallas Proposal
As previously reported, the Dallas City Council will consider changes to its animal ordinances at its Wednesday, June 27, meeting.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) expressed concerns with the proposal, and encouraged residents and other grassroots contacts to also share their concerns with the Dallas City Council.  Late yesterday, stakeholders received feedback from Council staff […] | June 26, 2018
Canine Partners K9 College Roommate Rescue Earns his own Degree
Turbo-Nadir UD BN GN RAE3 AX AXJ NF CGCA TKP owned by Kimberly Ann Hoeppner of Welsh, LA Turbo earned his Utility Dog title at the Tallahassee Dog Obedience Club on Jan. 13. It was a proud moment for this little mixed breed rescue dog, who had been adopted and returned to the shelter three […] | June 23, 2018
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Understanding the Role of E. Coli Biofilm in Canine Pyometra
Pyometra, or uterine infection, remains a serious health threat for intact bitches. E. coli is the most common cause of canine pyometra, and many strains of this bacteria are known to produce a biofilm. Biofilm is a surface layer of microbes and the slimy extracellular polymeric substances they produce (polysaccharides, proteins, etc.). Biofilms protect bacteria […] | June 22, 2018
dog shows
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Appropriate Behavior at Dog Shows Is Key for Breeders
Not all of the judging at a dog show takes place in the ring. As a breeder-exhibitor, your demeanor and interactions with others will be judged from the moment you set foot on the showgrounds. Stewards, the superintendent and AKC field staff, the show committee, the media, fellow exhibitors, and, perhaps most importantly, the public, […] | June 22, 2018
Expert Advice: Health Prostate Disorders: How to Handle Them in Your Male Dogs Without Neutering
Let’s talk about prostate disease in male dogs. There are four types of prostate problems: Benign prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia, aka BPH: This is the most common prostate problem we see in unneutered or intact male dogs. It is frequently seen after the age of 5, and sometimes younger in Bernese Mountain Dogs and Greater Swiss […] | June 22, 2018
breeder of merit
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding Breeder of Merit Patti Strand Reflects on the Decades She’s Spent Raising Dalmatians
Leopards don’t change their spots, and neither do reputable Dalmatian breeders. Nothing can dampen their enthusiasm for the spotted dogs that have captured their hearts, as well as their couches. Patti Strand of Portland, Ore., has bred Dalmatians with her husband Rod under their Merry-Go-Round (MGR) affix for almost half a century. A former American […] | June 22, 2018

Showing 7,951-7,960 of 12,024 results