Showing 781-790 of 948 results

Pages Top Breeds in Major U.S. Cities
  Atlanta's top 5 most popular breeds for 2013 "In keeping with the national trend, Atlanta loves its big dogs," said AKC Spokesperson Lisa Peterson. "Lovable large breeds clearly dominate the city's top five." Labrador Retriever Golden Retriever German Shepherd Dog Boxer Cavalier King Charles Spaniel * Registration data pulled from Atlanta zip codes as […] | December 19, 2014
Pages Guide to the Archival Collections
The AKC Archives is arranged into four major groups: Clubs, including AKC Member Clubs and Parent Clubs People AKC Administrative Visual Materials In addition to the library book and periodical collection, there is also an assortment of photographs, pamphlets, clippings, pedigrees, and more in the Library & Archives vertical files. Contact the Archivist for further information on undescribed […] | December 19, 2014
Expert Advice: Fun Facts 5 Ways of Looking at a Poodle
AKC Gazette, “Times Past” “Charley’s combed columns of legs were noble things, his cap of silver-blue fur was rakish, and he carried the pompom of his tail like the baton of a bandmaster. … If manners maketh man, then manner and grooming maketh poodle.” —John Steinbeck “The modern Poodle, displaying the most elaborate and meticulous […] | December 18, 2014
Expert Advice: News Photographer Captures Dog’s Last Day on Earth
Saying goodbye to our pets is always gut-wrenching. And as much as it breaks our hearts, we love when we hear stories of owners who go above and beyond to make their pet's time on earth extra special.  Jordan Greene Roberts of Houston, Texas, took exactly that approach to her beloved dog's (Duke's) death. She filled Duke's last day with […] | October 20, 2014
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding You Can Help CHF to Help Your Breed
AKC Canine Health Foundation reaches out to owners of several breeds for participation in important genetic studies. Your dog can help researchers make advances in the study of many canine diseases. Participation is currently needed in the following trials and studies: Immunolight Therapy Clinical Trial for Canine Malignancies Dr. Michael Nolan and his team at […] | September 14, 2014
Expert Advice: Basic Training Teach Your Dog to Lie Down
If your dog already knows how to sit, “lie down” is a great skill for your dog to learn next. In this video, Port Chester Obedience Training Club trainer Nancy Field CPDT-KA and her Labrador Retriever, “Emma”, demonstrate how to train your dog to lie down. | September 3, 2014
Press Releases Working Like A Dog! American Kennel Club Celebrates Our Canine Coworkers This Labor Day
Humans aren’t the only members of the workforce! This Labor Day, the American Kennel Club celebrates the evolution of our canine coworkers – what jobs they were originally bred to perform and what work you can see them doing now. Dogs do so many important jobs. From hunting to bomb detection to saving lives, dogs […] | August 29, 2014
Press Releases Five Canine Heroes Honored With AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE)
New York, NY – The AKC® Humane Fund announced today the winners of the 15th annual AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE). These awards honor five inspirational dogs that have made significant contributions to their communities and truly exemplify the power of the human-canine bond. One award is presented in each of the […] | August 6, 2014
Expert Advice: Basic Training Teach Your Dog to Sit
Just getting started training your dog? Try starting with "Sit!" In this video, Port Chester Obedience Training Club trainer Nancy Field CPDT-KA and her Labrador Retriever, "Emma", demonstrate how to teach your dog to sit. | July 8, 2014
Press Releases Agility, Obedience and AKC Rally National Champions Crowned in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania at Companion
Eleven AKC® National Agility Champions, one National Obedience Champion and the first-ever AKC Rally® National Champion were crowned from a record entry of more than 2,000 purebred and mixed-breed dogs at the American Kennel Club® (AKC®) Companion Events Extravaganza, which took place this weekend in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. “The winners of these Championship events are truly […] | March 31, 2014

Showing 781-790 of 948 results