Showing 771-780 of 1,890 results

Clubs & Delegates Federal Issues October 2022
AKC Government Relations continues to monitor Congress for issues of interest to dog owners. Visit our 2022 Legislation Tracking map and click on “Federal Bills” on the map to get the latest updates on federal bills currently being monitored by the AKC. Highlights of issues we are currently addressing on the federal level include: U.S. Congress – […] | October 21, 2022
Expert Advice: Health Be Prepared for Your Dog’s Specific Needs in Case of Weather Emergencies
Paid Advertisement Natural disasters are occurring on an increasing basis due to climate change. Hurricanes, floods, wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes—wherever you live you may experience one or more of these looming dangers and be forced to evacuate your home. The American Red Cross advises those who must leave their home during a disaster that the best […] | October 19, 2022
German Shepherd Dog standing up on a tree trunk exploring a park.
Expert Advice: Grooming Avoid a Sticky Situation: How to Get Sap Out of Dog Fur
Learn how to get sap out of dog fur with items already in your pantry. Armed with the right tools and treats, this doesn't have to be a job to dread. | October 4, 2022
eat dirt
Expert Advice: Health Why Does My Dog Eat Dirt?
As a pet owner, you may have caught your dog eating (or attempting to eat) some pretty weird stuff. But have you ever observed your pet snacking on straight-up dirt? Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt? Holistic veterinarian Dr. Laurie S. Coger, DVM, explains, “Dirt eating is a form of what is termed 'pica,' the ingestion of nonfood […] | October 18, 2022
Australian Cattle Dog standing up on a fence outside a pasture.
Expert Advice: Comfort & Sleep How to Help Prevent Your Dog From Escaping the Yard
Paid Advertisement For lots of dog owners, a nice fenced backyard where your pet can roam, sniff out interesting things, and snooze in the shade is a must. It's perfect — except when your dog believes the grass is greener elsewhere, and they become a master escape artist. One minute you see them from the […] | October 3, 2022
Two Bedlington Terriers sitting outdoors side by side.
Expert Advice: Training Have a Multi-Dog Household? Try These Training Tips
Training more than one dog at once is challenging, but with the right techniques you can have a well-behaved multi-dog househould. | August 29, 2022
Historical image of two Welsh Terriers
Expert Advice: Dog Breeds Welsh Terrier History: A Dog Down for the Hunt
Whenever a canine historian out sets out to research the founding years of a particular terrier, there is always the chance that the research will end in a blind alley for lack of solid, verifiable data on how these dogs came into being. In the case of the Welsh Terrier, one of the oldest of […] | October 14, 2022
Pembroke Welsh Corgi enjoying getting brushed outdoors.
Expert Advice: Grooming How to Get Burrs Out of Dog Fur
Sweaters and pumpkins aren't the only ones making a return in the fall. That noticeable chill in the air happens to coincide with when plants and trees are starting to shed their seeds. These prickly seeds, known as burrs or stickers, can latch on and become entangled in your dog's fur. If left untreated, burrs […] | October 14, 2022
German Shorthaired Pointer looking over its shoulder.
Expert Advice: Training Why You Shouldn’t Stare Down a Dog
Dog watching—like people watching—can be a fun activity for people. Guessing the breed and, eventually, asking if you can pet their dog brings a little joy to the day. However, it's a good idea to be a bit wary of how you look at a dog. Prolonged eye contact can have different meanings for dogs, […] | October 13, 2022
dog fur
Expert Advice: DIY Projects 7 Things You Can Do With Your Dog’s Fur
Dog fur can be a real annoyance for humans. It gets on our clothes and furniture, forms giant dust bunnies under the bed, and sometimes even finds its way into our food. But have you ever thought about putting all that hair to good use? Here are seven ways you can creatively upcycle it. Knit […] | September 12, 2022

Showing 771-780 of 1,890 results