Showing 6,561-6,570 of 6,796 results

Sports & Events Growing Up With Field Dogs
By: Emily Easton For the Eastons of Dallas, PA, dogs are a true family affair. Starting with their first Vizsla, Dallas, in 1996, the Easton family -- Ralph, Diana and daughters Laura, now 20, and Emily -- has participated in conformation, field trials and hunting tests. Emily is a 6th grader with academic goals to […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Harnessing Your Dog’s Instinct To Chase
  By: Stephanie Kennerley “Just how fast is my dog?” Many owners have found themselves wondering that at one time or another. The FAST CAT®, one of AKC’s newest events, offers an answer. Launched in March of 2016, the FAST CAT® is a variation on the Coursing Ability Test. In the FAST CAT®, dogs chase […] | November 16, 2017
Sports & Events Having a WONDERFUL Time With Their Dogs
Dear Performance Events: I have been doing both AKC and ASFA lure coursing for a number of years, with several sighthound breeds. But my husband and I have also run non-sanctioned lure coursing fun days at our farm for as many years as well. We initially confined them to the sighthound breeds but started allowing […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Pocatello Kennel Club Holds Successful Coursing Ability Test
By Joyce Hughes -- Event Secretary and PKC Treasurer The Coursing Ability Test (CAT) is a new AKC coursing event for all dogs -- purebreds and mixed breeds. It's an event filled with amusement, entertainment and comical antics from our beloved canines. Pocatello Kennel Club, Inc. in Southeast Idaho, held its first CAT Event in […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events New AKC Event Allows ALL Dogs to Discover Fun of Lure Coursing
"After the event, they were having practices, and one of the people running the event suggested I bring out Dino and see if he would chase the lure. I had absolutely no idea what Dino would do so I brought him out and he chased the lure partially around the big field." Phillips began seeking […] | October 26, 2017
Apps Online Recordkeeping (ORKS)
Online Record Keeping Service (ORKS) is a secure repository for your breeder records. Log in to ORKS to create, maintain, and view your litter and puppy registration information and the mating and birth records for your dogs. Whether you can enter information for a dog depends on whether you are the registered owner of that […] | November 2, 2017
Sports & Events Reduce Stress in Livestock
Stress that livestock experience in handling does affect your trial and livestock workability. There are ways to reduce their stress during a herding event that will give your exhibitors a better chance to qualify. Lessen visual disturbances Livestock have wide-angle vision. Side walls and visual screening will help keep your livestock calm. This keeps livestock […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Is My Pup Ready?
by Lynn Leach When can I start teaching my pup to herd? Can I enter this clinic - my pup is five months old? I know she isn't ready, but is there something I can start working on? These are all very good questions I hear repeatedly. I also hear many incredibly varied answers. Herding […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Building Your Handling Skills
Good dog handling isn't an accident. It is a learned skill. It requires a good working relationship with the dog, proper training, clear and consistent commands and the ability to read the livestock. You must know what the stock are doing and what they are about to do. There is only one way to know […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Speak Softly
"Lie down..." "...Lie down." "Lie down!!" "Joe, I said lie down!" Dogs are gifted with an incredible sense of hearing. Research has proven that fact. Thousands of independent home studies have proven it too ask anyone who has accidentally bumped the 'cookie' jar lid and they'll tell you that even sleeping dogs three rooms away are […] | October 26, 2017

Showing 6,561-6,570 of 6,796 results