Showing 641-650 of 1,684 results

Legislative Alerts Idaho: Ask Boise City Council to Oppose Harsh Dog Ownership Restrictions
The Boise City Council is requesting public feedback on a number of changes to the city’s animal control ordinance until March 30, 2021. This “kitchen sink” bill contains over 40 pages of changes, including requiring written permission from neighbors to keep four dogs on your property, allowing private citizens to remove dogs from cars, the […] | March 16, 2021
Press Releases Labrador Retriever Celebrates 30 Years in the Top Spot as French Bulldog Overtakes German Shepherd Dog for Number 2 Spot
Lab lovers continue to make their voices heard! The American Kennel Club (AKC®) announced at a virtual press conference today at the AKC Museum of the Dog that the ever-popular Labrador Retriever is the nation’s favorite dog for the 30th consecutive year. While the loveable Lab holds firmly to the top spot, the French Bulldog […] | March 16, 2021
Legislative Alerts Tennessee Dog Breeder Bill Scheduled for Committee Vote on Wednesday, 3/17/21. TAKE ACTION TODAY!
Please share this information with Tennessee dog owners, sportsmen, breeders, clubs, and residents who may wish to obtain a locally-bred dog in the future. Tennessee Senate Bill 511 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.  Concerned Tennessee dog owners and […] | March 12, 2021
Legislative Alerts Tennessee Dog Breeder Bill Scheduled for Committee Vote on Wednesday, 3/17/21. TAKE ACTION TODAY!
Please share this information with Tennessee dog owners, sportsmen, breeders, clubs, and residents who may wish to obtain a locally-bred dog in the future. Tennessee Senate Bill 511 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 11:30 a.m.  Concerned Tennessee dog owners and […] | March 12, 2021
Legislative Alerts Virginia: Legislative Session Ends
Recently, the Virginia General Assembly adjourned its 2021 session.  During the short 30-day session, a few bills relating to dogs and dog owners were considered. Those bills monitored by AKC Government Relations included: House Bill 2109: As originally introduced, this bill sought to expands the regulatory and policymaking Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services by […] | March 11, 2021
Legislative Alerts Utah Legislature Adjourns, Pet Store Bill Does Not Advance
The Utah Legislature adjourned for the year on Friday, March 5 without passing House Bill 420. This bill as introduced would have restricted retail pet stores in the state, and included a broad definition of pet store that could have included hobbyists who raise and sell dogs in their home. AKC expressed concerns with this […] | March 8, 2021
Legislative Alerts California: Ask Assembly Committee to Oppose AB 702
As mentioned in a previous alert, a bill has been introduced in the California Assembly that would regulate all breeders in the state. The bill has now been assigned to the Assembly Business and Professions Committee.  No hearing has been scheduled; however, it is important that the committee members hear from Californians who will be […] | March 8, 2021
Expert Advice: News This Bernese Mountain Dog is Helping Second Graders Learn Remotely
It's been a hard year for everyone, and teachers and young students have faced some of the toughest battles of all. One teacher in Seattle hoping to boost morale and engagement in her second-grade remote-learning class hit upon a winning solution: a class pet. A class dog, to be precise, who would join the children […] | March 5, 2021
Legislative Alerts New Hampshire Bill Updates – Week of February 22, 2021
AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) thanks both the New Hampshire residents who contacted lawmakers this month regarding bills impacting dogs and the New Hampshire House Environment and Agriculture Committee for the consideration of their comments and the thoughtful review of legislation before them. Two of three helpful bills supported by AKC GR and considered by […] | February 23, 2021
Legislative Alerts Memphis, TN—Ask City Council to Vote No on Ordinance that Would Restrict Pet Choice
On Tuesday, March 2, the Memphis City Council will hold a third and final vote on an ordinance that makes false claims about breeders and would restrict consumer choice when acquiring a pet. Memphis residents are urged to contact city council members and urge a no vote on the pet store ordinance.  Scroll down for […] | February 26, 2021

Showing 641-650 of 1,684 results