Showing 6,301-6,310 of 6,762 results

Legislative Alerts URGENT: Connecticut SB 499 Bad News For Responsible Dog Breeders
On Thursday, April 30, Connecticut Senate Bill 499, which seeks to impose several changes to Connecticut's consumer protection laws, passed the state's Senate with burdensome last-minute amendments. The bill is now in the House of Representatives. While the American Kennel Club (AKC) supports reasonable consumer protection laws that protect both puppy purchasers and responsible dog breeders, […] | May 4, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA AB 241 to Limit Ownership of Intact Animals
California Assembly Bill 241, which will prohibit businesses and individuals who buys or sells cats and dogs from owning more than a combined total of 50 intact dogs or cats, will be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on April 14th. There is no age threshold included in the bill so we believe that […] | April 8, 2009
Legislative Alerts NC Update: Senate Bill 460 Could be Heard this Week
The AKC Government Relations Department has learned that Senate Bill 460, which seeks to regulate breeders, could be heard in the Senate Commerce committee on Thursday, April 30, or early next week.  It is essential that all North Carolina responsible dog owners and breeders contact the Senate Commerce Committee TODAY and express your opposition to […] | April 28, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA Senate Bill 250 Amended and Sent to Appropriations Committee
The Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on SB 250 has been rescheduled for May 11th. Please click here for sample letters that clubs and individuals can personalize. California Senate Bill 250 passed the Senate Local Government Committee on a vote of 3-1 and will be heard by the Senate Appropriations Committee on May 4th. The bill […] | April 23, 2009
Legislative Alerts North Carolina Alert: HB 733 Bill May Be Considered Wednesday, April 22
The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department, in cooperation with the North Carolina Federation of Dog Clubs, has learned that House Bill 733 will likely be considered by the North Carolina House Agriculture Committee on Wednesday, April 22.   Should the bill be considered, a vote is not expected.  However, all concerned responsible dog breeders […] | April 17, 2009
Legislative Alerts Alabama Spay/Neuter Bill Introduced
Alabama Senator Del Marsh of Anniston has introduced Senate Bill 554, which would, among other provisions, require the sterilization of all privately-owned dogs six months of age or older. The American Kennel Club opposes SB 554, and strongly urges all responsible dog breeders and owners in Alabama to contact their elected representatives, bill sponsor Senator […] | April 2, 2009
Legislative Alerts Texas House Committee to Consider Harsh Breeder Legislation
The Texas House Licensing and Administrative Procedures Committee is scheduled to consider House Bill 3180 on Wednesday, April 1. The bill features ownership limits, breeder licensing, facility inspection, and consumer protection provisions. The American Kennel Club (AKC) and its Texas federation, the Responsible Pet Owners Alliance, both oppose House Bill 3180, and encourage all concerned […] | March 30, 2009
Legislative Alerts CA SB 250 Amended, Set for Hearing – Opposition Needed!
California Senate Bill 250 has been amended and set for a hearing in the Senate Local Government Committee for April 15th. We need all California fanciers, responsible dog owners and breeders, and clubs to write and oppose this legislation. Letters must be received by April 8 to be reflected on the committee analysis. SB 250's […] | April 6, 2009
Legislative Alerts Urgent Call to Action – Oppose NY State Docking Bill
New York State Assembly Bill 7218 seeks to make the docking of tails unlawful. The American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Responsible Dog Owners Association of New York both vehemently oppose AB 7218. This bill has been referred to the New York Assembly Agriculture Committee.  It is imperative that ALL concerned dog breeders and owners contact […] | April 7, 2009
Legislative Alerts Montana to Hear ‘Animal Hoarding’ Bill on March 19
On Thursday, March 19, the Montana House Judiciary Committee will hear a bill to expand the definition of animal cruelty.  The American Kennel Club urges all responsible dog owners, fanciers, and breeders to contact the Montana Senate and express their opposition to Senate Bill 221, which would expand the definition of animal cruelty to include […] | March 18, 2009

Showing 6,301-6,310 of 6,762 results