Showing 6,291-6,300 of 6,796 results

Legislative Alerts Iowa Changes Breeder Bill Number, Advances Bill to Senate Floor
April 25, 2014 Through another procedural move, the bill number for the onerous breeder regulations bill has once again changed. The bill was also amended and passed out of the Senate Ways and Means Committee and is now pending in the Senate. The amendments made to this bill are not in the best interest of […] | April 25, 2014
Legislative Alerts Maryland Update: Debarking Ban, Crop/Dock Bills to be Considered on March 27!
The Maryland House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a public hearing for Thursday, March 27 to discuss a bill (SB 660) that would ban debarking. A second measure (SB 659) would require ear cropping, tail docking and dewclaw removal to be performed by a licensed veterinarian. These bills have already passed the Senate, and the House […] | March 21, 2014
Legislative Alerts New York City to Consider Mandatory Sterilization, Other Restrictions on Pet Sales on April 30
New York City to Consider Mandatory Sterilization, Other Restrictions on Pet Sales on April 30 April 25, 2014 The New York City Council Committee on Health is scheduled to consider several measures on Wednesday, April 30, that create excessive restrictions on all breeders or pet shops who sell a pet. Among the many new requirements […] | April 25, 2014
Legislative Alerts Maryland to Consider Two Bills to Overturn BSL Ruling on January 23
On Thursday, January 23, the Maryland General Assembly will once again consider bills to overturn a 2012 court ruling that declared all "pit bulls" as dangerous. Maryland residents are encouraged to contact the Maryland House Judiciary Committee and ask them to support overturning this discriminatory ruling. Residents are also encouraged to express any other comments […] | January 17, 2014
Today, the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA/APHIS) released a finalized version of new federal regulations that narrow the definition of a “retail pet store” with the purpose of bringing internet-based pet breeders and sellers under the regulation of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA).  The rule, originally proposed in […] | September 10, 2013
Legislative Alerts Bill Seeks To Improve Maine’s Kennel Licensing Law
Maine LD 1239, sponsored by Representative Paul Davis, seeks to clarify, streamline, and promote fair animal welfare laws in Maine. The American Kennel Club (AKC) believes LD 1239 represents an improvement over current Maine law, and joins the Federation of Maine Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (Maine Federation) in support of LD 1239.  Maine […] | April 15, 2013
Legislative Alerts Reminder: MD Hearing to Reverse BSL Ruling TOMORROW 1/30
The Maryland House Judiciary Committee is considering a measure tomorrow that would seek to overturn a Maryland Court of Appeals ruling issued in early 2012 that said all "pit bulls" are inherently dangerous. Maryland residents are encouraged to contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and ask them to support House Bill 78. An […] | January 29, 2013
Legislative Alerts NM Committee to Consider Prohibiting BSL TOMORROW (January 31)
AKC Government Relations has just learned that New Mexico House Bill 63, which would prohibit counties and municipalities from enacting breed-specific regulations, is scheduled to be considered by the House Health, Government and Indian Affairs Committee tomorrow, Thursday, January 31. New Mexico residents are strongly encouraged to contact the members of the committee, as well […] | January 30, 2013
Legislative Alerts PA House to Consider Problematic Animal Seizure Bill
In the very near future, the Pennsylvania House is expected to consider House Bill 82 - a bill that would be detrimental to the rights of animal owners. This bill, which is identical to a bill introduced in the General Assembly in 2012, could force owners to relinquish their animals when they are accused of […] | January 21, 2013
Legislative Alerts Proposal Seeks to Permit Breed-Specific Massachusetts Laws
The Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (MassFed) has learned that State Senator Michael Rush has filed Senate Docket 1247 in the Massachusetts Senate. The proposal would allow cities and towns to enact breed-specific legislation. The American Kennel Club (AKC) joins with the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners […] | January 23, 2013

Showing 6,291-6,300 of 6,796 results