Showing 621-630 of 1,684 results

Legislative Alerts Maryland 2021 Session Adjourns with Many Victories for Dog Owners
Last week, the 2021 Session of the Maryland General Assembly was adjourned.  Overall, the Session could be deemed a success for dogs and responsible dog owners given the outcome of several bills, including: House Bill 81/Senate Bill 122 – Regulating Dogs Outdoors: HB 81 and its companion SB 122 sought to address “Unattended Dogs in […] | April 20, 2021
Press Releases American Kennel Club Presents Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker with AKC “Top Dog” Leadership Award
The American Kennel Club™ (AKC), the largest purebred registry in the world and leading advocate for dogs, has presented Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker with the AKC “Top Dog” Leadership award in recognition of his advocacy for ensuring proper care and conditions at animal welfare facilities in the state. The AKC recognizes Governor Baker for his […] | April 14, 2021
Press Releases American Kennel Club Names NH Dogs Federation Winner of Bebout Legislative Award
The American Kennel Club® (AKC) is pleased to name the Dog Owners of the Granite State (NH DOGS) as the fourth quarter 2020 winner of the Walter Bebout Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation. The award recognizes federations and owner/breeder organizations that have demonstrated leadership in educating legislators about responsible dog ownership issues and have […] | January 5, 2021
Legislative Alerts Nevada: Ask Committee to Support Ban on Insurance Breed Discrimination on Wednesday (4/21)
The Nevada Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee is considering a bill on Wednesday, April 21, that would prohibit homeowner’s, renter’s and mobile home insurance or vehicle umbrella insurance providers from refusing or cancelling coverage or increasing premiums based solely on the breed of dog owned by the policy holder. All responsible dog owners and breeders […] | April 19, 2021
Clubs & Delegates State Issues April 2021
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking.  Alabama – HB 235 would authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas and sets out access, sanitation, and other requirements. It also specifies that emotional support animals are not service animals within the meaning of the Americans […] | April 16, 2021
Legislative Alerts Illinois: Multiple Bills with Significant Impact on Dog Owners Continue to Advance, Contact Lawmakers Today
The Illinois Legislature returned from Spring Break and immediately continued work on bills impacting dog owners and breeders in the state.  AKC and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs are working hard to advocate for responsible purebred dog owners. We urge dog owners, Illinois dog clubs and breeders to join us in working to protect […] | April 16, 2021
Clubs & Delegates Local Issues April 2021
Here are some examples of the local issues currently being addressed by AKC GR:  CT, Stamford– The Board of Representatives is interested in adopting a tethering ordinance similar to the 2020 language adopted in the state of Virginia. The proposal would define “adequate shelter” and “adequate space.” Tethering a dog would be prohibited in weather below […] | April 16, 2021
Legislative Alerts Five Things You and Your Club Can Do Today to Fight CA AB 702 – Regulation of all Breeders
On April 27, the California Assembly Business and Professions Committee will consider Assembly Bill 702 – a bill that would mandate licensing for all breeders as commercial enterprises and create many new vague, unnecessary, and arbitrary regulations that could be difficult for hobby breeders – especially those who live in residential areas – to meet. […] | April 14, 2021
Legislative Alerts California: Breeder Permits Bill AB 702 Set for April 27 Hearing – Contact the Committee Today!
On Tuesday, April 27, the California Assembly Business and Professions Committee will consider Assembly Bill 702. It is crucial that all dog owners, breeders, and club members in the state contact the committee TODAY and ask them to OPPOSE Assembly Bill 702.  Let them know how this would impact you as a California resident (scroll […] | April 7, 2021
Legislative Alerts TX HB 1818 Alert: Call, Email, Facebook Message, or Tweet to Take Action Against Harmful Bill Today!
As previously reported, Texas House Bill 1818, which seeks to limit most Texas pet stores from selling purpose-bred dogs, has been assigned to the House Calendars Committee. It is crucial that committee members hear from you about the harm HB 1818 would do to responsible dog ownership if it is enacted as currently worded. SAMPLE […] | April 6, 2021

Showing 621-630 of 1,684 results