Showing 6,241-6,250 of 6,796 results

Legislative Alerts Update: Jefferson Parish Cruelty Ordinance Changes to be Deferred
The AKC Government Relations Department (AKC GR) has received word that several Jefferson Parish councilmembers will request to defer the consideration of the proposed cruelty ordinance changes, which were scheduled to be considered today, until a future meeting. Councilmembers have expressed an interest in hearing Parish residents’ views about the proposal. Therefore, it extremely important […] | January 28, 2015
Legislative Alerts Louisiana Alert: Jefferson Parish to Consider Cruelty Law Changes Wednesday, January 28
At its next meeting on Wednesday, January 28, the Jefferson Parish Council is scheduled to consider a proposal that will amend the parish’s ordinances that regard the humane treatment of animals. Several parts of the proposal are of concern to the American Kennel Club. Jefferson Parish residents are strongly encouraged to review the proposal and […] | January 27, 2015
Legislative Alerts Jefferson Parish to Hold Public Meeting Next Week. Attendance and Feedback Needed
As reported previously, the Jefferson Parish Council has delayed their consideration of changes to the Parish’s animal cruelty ordinances. Instead, officials with the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter and Animal Shelter Advisory Board will first hold a public meeting to discuss the proposed changes. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, at 6:30PM […] | February 2, 2015
Legislative Alerts Louisiana Update: Jefferson Parish to Hold Public Meeting Next Week. Attendance and Feedback Needed
As reported previously, the Jefferson Parish Council has delayed their consideration of changes to the Parish’s animal cruelty ordinances. Instead, officials with the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter and Animal Shelter Advisory Board will first hold a public meeting to discuss the proposed changes. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, at 6:30PM […] | February 2, 2015
Legislative Alerts Two Overly-Broad Animal Cruelty Bills Advance to Mississippi Senate
Two overly-broad animal cruelty bills, SB 2127 and SB 2821, have advanced to the Mississippi State Senate calendar and could be voted upon at any time. The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports strong penalties for acts of animal cruelty; however, we have concerns with several aspects of these bills as currently written.  SB 2127 prohibits […] | February 4, 2011
Legislative Alerts New Hampshire: HB 624 Could Deprive Dog Owners of their Property Rights
On Friday, February 13, the New Hampshire House Environment and Agriculture Committee will consider House Bill 624, a bill regarding animal care costs in cruelty cases. As introduced, the bill could force individuals charged—but not convicted—of animal cruelty to forfeit ownership of their pets, even after they are later found not guilty of those charges. […] | February 5, 2015
Legislative Alerts West Virginia Committee to Hear Restrictive Breeder Bill on 2/2
The West Virginia House Agriculture Committee is scheduled to consider House Bill 2015 this Wednesday, February 2. This problematic bill would limit dog ownership and place restrictions on dog breeding.  The AKC strongly supports the humane treatment of dogs, including providing an adequate and nutritious diet, clean living conditions, regular veterinary care, kind and responsive […] | January 28, 2011
Legislative Alerts Oklahoma Board of Commercial Pet Breeders Rules Hearing – New Location!
Dear AKC Delegates, Judges, Club Officers and Breeders, The Oklahoma Board of Commercial Pet Breeders has moved its Rules Hearing regarding proposed regulations for the commercial breeder law (SB 1712) passed by the Oklahoma legislature earlier this year.   Here is the revised location information: Oklahoma Board of Commercial Pet Breeders Hearing Information December 9th, […] | December 1, 2010
Legislative Alerts URGENT: Wyoming Cruelty Bill Advances
On January 19, the Wyoming Senate Agriculture Committee unanimously passed Senate File 100, which seeks to add "puppy mills" and "animal hoarding" to the definition of animal cruelty. The AKC strongly supports the humane treatment of dogs, including providing an adequate and nutritious diet, clean living conditions, regular veterinary care, kind and responsive human companionship […] | January 20, 2011
Legislative Alerts WI Dept. of Agriculture to Consider New Breeder Regulations on December 8
On Wednesday, December 8, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Board will consider extensive, onerous regulations for breeders who sell 25 or more dogs each year. Responsible dog owners and breeders are encouraged to attend the hearing and indicate on the sign-in form that you are attending in opposition to the […] | December 2, 2010

Showing 6,241-6,250 of 6,796 results