Showing 6,221-6,230 of 6,796 results

Legislative Alerts AKC Supports NY Legislation Protecting Dogs Kept in Outdoor Shelters
May 18, 2015 The NY Assembly Agriculture Committee is considering a bill tomorrow (Tuesday, May 19) that would clarify current law regarding minimum standards for dogs kept in outdoor shelters.  Current law already provides minimum requirements for dogs kept outdoors in inclement weather and extreme temperatures.  Assembly Bill 7033 contains reasonable clarifications to these requirements […] | May 18, 2015
Legislative Alerts Ask Illinois Senate to Support Bill to Help Lost Pets
May 22, 2015 A bill is advancing in the Illinois Senate that would create new requirements for shelters that will help streamline the process to get lost animals home more quickly.  House Bill 4029 could be considered by the Senate as early as Tuesday, May 26,  Illinois residents are strongly encouraged to contact their State […] | May 22, 2015
Legislative Alerts Iowa Alert: Breeder Regulations Bill Number Changes (Again), Concerns Remain
May 5, 2015 A bill remains active in Iowa that would further regulate breeders, hobbyists, fanciers, groomers, and rescues and require them to pay significant license fees.  Iowa dog owners, breeders, and fanciers are strongly encouraged to contact your State Senator and ask them to oppose Senate File 502.  Even if you already contacted your […] | May 5, 2015
Legislative Alerts Alabama: Overreaching Dog Breeder Bill Introduced, Contact Agriculture Committee
April 28, 2015 Attention Alabama Dog Owners: Alabama House Bill 548 seeks to establish criminal penalties for failure to comply with overreaching, undefined, and arbitrary requirements for the care, feeding, and housing of dogs.  Compliance with the problematic provisions of HB 548 would be required for every person or organization that has “custody or ownership” […] | April 28, 2015
Legislative Alerts NY Info Update: AB 1451 Would License/Regulate Pet Grooming Facilities
April 29, 2015 A bill is moving in the New York Assembly that would require licensing, inspections, and other regulations for pet grooming facilities. Assembly Bill 1451 has passed the Economic Development Committee and is pending consideration in the Assembly Codes Committee before being sent to the full Assembly.  Those who wish to comment on […] | April 29, 2015
Legislative Alerts Urgent NC Alert: Breeder Regulations Scheduled to be Considered TODAY (4/22)
Urgent NC Alert:  Breeder Regulations Scheduled to be Considered TODAY (4/22) April 22, 2015 The AKC has learned that a hearing and possible vote has been scheduled for today on a rewritten version of House Bill 159, which would seek to regulate certain dog owners as commercial breeders regardless of actual sales/commercial activity and require […] | April 22, 2015
Legislative Alerts Connecticut Info: Legislative Committee to Consider Dog Bills on Friday, March 20
The Joint Environment Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly will consider five proposals on Friday, March 20, 2015, that deal with dogs. Connecticut residents are encouraged to contact the committee members and express their support or concerns with the proposals. SYNOPSES OF BILLS HB 5707 HB 5707 seeks to provide for the proper sheltering of […] | March 17, 2015
Legislative Alerts Delaware: Support Bill to Protect Dogs in Vehicles
The Delaware Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Wednesday, March 18, that would amend the state definition of cruelty to include confining an animal unattended in a standing or parked motor vehicle in which the temperature would endanger the animal's health or safety. Senate Bill 22 would also allow law enforcement […] | March 13, 2015
Legislative Alerts Washington State: Support Bill to Protect Dogs in Vehicles
Dear AKC Delegates, Club Officers, Judges and Breeders, Please forward this information to your club members in Washington State. The Washington State House Judiciary Committee will hear Senate Bill 5501 on Tuesday, March 17th. The measure will make it a class 2 civil infraction (punishable by a fine of up to $125) to "leave or […] | March 13, 2015
Legislative Alerts Minnesota Bill Seeks to Modify Use of Certain Hunting Traps that Could Harm Dogs, Require Reporting
A bill pending in the Minnesota Senate seeks to modify requirements for and uses of certain traps used in hunting, and would require the reporting of pets or companion animals discovered to have been ensnared. The bill, Senate File 1325, will be considered by the Senate Environment and Energy Committee's Subcommittee on Fish and Wildlife […] | March 9, 2015

Showing 6,221-6,230 of 6,796 results