Showing 5,981-5,990 of 6,796 results

dog shows estimates judging size weight
Expert Advice: Conformation Changing Estimates: Judging Size and Weight
Each year there are hundreds of exhibitors who leave the ring unhappy about the placement of their dog. Some are disappointed because they did not win others because of a comment made by the judge. Here is an example of a comment that will upset many owners and handlers. "I liked your dog but it […] | April 27, 2015
Expert Advice: Studies Imitation: Doggy see, doggy do
Research Indicates that Some Dogs Can Emulate Their Owner’s ActionsSome dogs are copycats. Experiments indicate that some breeds are capable of emulating the actions of their owners. "Where did my dog learn that?" The next time you ask yourself that question, take a look in the mirror. A study published in “Proceedings of the Royal […] | April 27, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Why Does My Female Dog Mark?
Location Can Indicate Urine-Marking by Female Dogs Female dogs also engage in urine-marking. However, the behavior could be an indication of anxiety. You may be surprised to know marking behavior is not solely in the male province. Females may also engage in this behavior, especially intact bitches in heat. Even spayed females may urine-mark from […] | April 27, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Why Does a Dog Know Not to Roughhouse With an Older or Sickly Dog?
Dogs Tend to Recognize an Older or Sickly DogEven a playful dog seems to be able to recognize when a potential playmate isn’t up to participating. When dogs play, it can sometimes get a little aggressive—neck-wrestling, ear-nipping, barging, and that sort of thing. But it takes two to tango-and to play, as it happens. Whether […] | April 27, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Why Does One Dog Lick Another’s Muzzle?
Face-licking dogs are sending a messageWhen a dog licks the face of another, the behavior probably can be traced to the puppy stage. A puppy’s display of licking signaled a desire to be fed. In adult dogs, it could be a sign of respect. Wild dog puppies lick their mother's lips when she returns from […] | April 27, 2015
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Dog Gets Foxtails Up Her Nose
ASK AKC  Dear AKC: Our ten month old Lab has gotten foxtails up her nose twice in less than two weeks. The first time our family vet couldn't reach it and she had to go to a specialist with a large vet bill. The second time our vet was able to remove three, inch-long foxtails but […] | April 26, 2015
Expert Advice: Puppy Health When Will My Dog’s Permanent Teeth Come In?
Dear AKC: I have a four month old Golden Retriever who, it seems, was born with a mouth full of razor sharp puppy teeth. A lot of people tell me the teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth at three and four months old. This hasn't happened. When does this normally take place? --Tooth Troubles in […] | April 26, 2015
Man running on the beach with his yellow labrador retriever
Expert Advice: Health Your Four-Legged Running Partner
Many avid runners appreciate the company and support of a fellow runner. Taking your dog for a run not only gives you the advantage of companionship but also the satisfaction of keeping your dog healthy. What better way for you and your dog to stay trim and fit than to run together on a regular […] | April 24, 2015
Expert Advice: Training for Dog Sports AKC Sports: An Overview
Finding an AKC Sport that Fits Your Mixed-Breed DogSince 2010, the AKC has awarded thousands of titles to mixed-breeds. Why shouldn’t your clever, athletic mix join the fun? And why shouldn’t you enjoy the dog-park bragging rights that come with putting an AKC title on your dog? Here’s an overview of the competitions. Obedience Dog-and-handler […] | April 24, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Location, Location, Location: Choosing a Dog Trainer
When we did agility with our dog, we drove 2.5 hours one way to take lessons from a world-class trainer. I have a friend in Houston who starts a 2-hour drive across Houston in 5 o’clock traffic to get to the best training school she could find. So when we surveyed 3500 dog owners and discovered […] | April 24, 2015

Showing 5,981-5,990 of 6,796 results