Showing 581-590 of 1,685 results

educating both buyer and seller
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding Educating Both Buyer and Seller
We can help to educate prospective owners before they get a new puppy or dog—likewise, breeders can be educated too about ways they can properly screen their buyers. We must help spread the word to the public about responsible dog ownership—and that message includes educating people about the homework that should be done before they […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding Responsible Breeding – The Evolution of Breeds
There are times when it makes sense for a breeder to stamp more than just a "thumbprint" of influence on a breed. Dogs are generally thought to have descended from wolves. Kim Campbell Thornton's recent article "Looking Back to the Beginning" (AKC GAZETTE, September 1999) describes research that has determined, through DNA sequences, that the […] | May 4, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Choosing A Stud When Breeding
ASK AKC  Dear AKC: My question regards breeding. I have a young male Beagle, about a year and a half, and I'd like to breed him with another beagle. I am told by my veterinarian, who has bred beagles extensively in the past that it is next to impossible for a breeder to accept my dog […] | May 17, 2015
Expert Advice: Events Dog Lovers Enjoy “Summerfest” of Canine Events in Ventura, CA on July 4 Weekend
California’s Coolest ClusterOn the July 4 holiday weekend, with temperatures ranging between a high of 75 degrees and a low of 61 degrees, the El Camino Real Summerfest cluster of dog shows and obedience and rally trials made good on its promise as “California’s Coolest Cluster.” Beautiful Seaside Park in Ventura is the perfect venue for one […] | July 10, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Choosing a Brood Bitch: A Bit of a Gamble
I’m not a fan of country music, but as I begin writing this column, from the radio in the next room the song “The Gambler” is crooning, “The secret to survivin’ is knowing what to throw away, and knowing what to keep.” Choosing a brood bitch is a bit of a gamble. Whether acquiring your […] | August 25, 2015
Lhasa Apso Closeup
Expert Advice: Conformation To Learn More About Dogs, Find a Mentor
Four decades ago, when I first became interested in Lhasa Apsos, I sought out experienced breeders and exhibitors whose dogs I admired and who were willing to share information. They shared their time and knowledge and answered my endless questions, and I learned from watching and listening. There were far fewer dog shows per year […] | September 10, 2015
Expert Advice: News The American Kennel Club Promotes Mari-Beth O’Neill and Keith Frazier
New York, NY – The American Kennel Club (AKC®) is pleased to announce the appointments of Mari-Beth O’Neill to Vice President of Sports Services and Keith Frazier to Vice President of Optimization and Support Services. “Through their years of dedication and demonstrated leadership they have helped us make strides in the sport and support services […] | October 16, 2015
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Responsible Breeders Reach Out With a Positive Approach to Fight Anti-breeder Sentiment
As a dog trainer and an instructor for puppy socialization classes, I can’t help but notice that almost all of the purebred puppies I see (and many popular purposely-bred mixes) are not from good local breeders but were purchased through the Internet. It’s actually quite astonishing: On a whim, anyone can Google a breed, click […] | November 3, 2015
Dalmatian pups
Expert Advice: Government Relations AKC Clarifies Position Statements Related to Spaying and Neutering
  The American Kennel Club recognizes the benefits of spaying and neutering dogs that are not part of a responsible breeding program or are not being shown. However, the decision of when and whether to spay or neuter a dog is not one to be taken lightly. Though commonplace, these elective procedures are major surgeries […] | April 20, 2016
Expert Advice: Lifestyle Looking for a Pup? Here’s How To Find the Perfect One
Labrador Retriever puppy. Courtesy Barra Labradors Bringing a dog into your life is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It is a serious commitment to care for an individual who will rely on you completely—for food, shelter, health, and happiness—for a decade or more. In exchange, this puppy or adult dog […] | April 28, 2016

Showing 581-590 of 1,685 results