Showing 5,741-5,750 of 6,798 results

Expert Advice: News #JeSuisChien Sparks Creativity, Solidarity Among Dog Owners On Instagram
After a 7-year-old K-9 Belgian Malinois was killed in Paris Wednesday during police raids targeting those responsible for the attacks on Nov. 13, thousands took to social media to show their support for the police dog using the hashtags #JeSuisChien and #NotAllHeroesAreHuman. Many dog owners turned to Instagram to show their support for the police dog, […] | August 13, 2014
Expert Advice: News Award-Winning Service Dog Helps 11-Year-Old With Rare Disorder Gain Independence
A Great Dane named George who is a service dog for 11-year-old Bella Burton is one of five recipients for this year's AKC Humane Fund Award for Canine Excellence, which honors dogs that have had a significant impact on their owners and communities. Bella, who suffers from the genetic disorder Morquio syndrome, received George a […] | November 24, 2015
Expert Advice: News Obama Signs Defense Bill Allowing Military Dogs To Retire In US
On Wednesday evening, President Barack Obama signed the annual defense spending bill that will now allow American military dogs to retire in the U.S. The policy update on military animals was one of many in the $607-billion 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, according to the Military Times.  This law requires that military dogs return to the […] | November 27, 2015
Expert Advice: News Italian Town Requires Silent Fireworks To Prevent Scaring Pets
Fireworks are a universal symbol of celebration. Crowds eagerly gather to take in the dramatic spectacle of the explosion of color that fills the sky, and the inevitable boom and noise that go with it. Unfortunately, many pets have a very different reaction. With their sensitive hearing and lack of understanding about what’s actually going […] | January 11, 2016
Expert Advice: News Finn the Wonder Dog Travels the Globe to Protect Other Species
Finn the Wonder Dog , a yellow Labrador Retriever rescue, has earned his nickname by traveling the world helping restore ecosystems and save species from extinction. In one project, it was the vulnerable Humboldt penguin who benefited from Finn’s incredible nose and hardworking attitude. On Chile’s Choros island, invasive rabbits were destroying seabird populations by […] | August 28, 2015
Expert Advice: Government Relations Don’t Have Dog Park Yet? Start Your Own!
Below is just a basic overview. For more, visit the Government Relations page. Here are the steps on the road to making a community dog park a reality. Start with a core group of committed dog park activists Talk with other individuals who are concerned about the lack of off-leash spaces. This group may form […] | April 20, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Where Do Dogs Sleep at Night?
Partner A wants dog to sleep in the bed. Wet-blanket Partner B says no can(ine) do. Kid says he needs to bunk with his buddy. Parent says his bedroom is a No Pup Zone.   Where the dog beds down for the night is a frequent source of disagreement between those who feel that there […] | August 6, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Breeds Who Enjoy Drafting Just for the Haul of it
If the word "drafting" is unfamiliar to you, you’renot alone. It’s one of those dog sports that probably isn’t on the radar of the average dog owner. The basic definition is the act of pulling a cart or wagon. (And "carting" is often used interchangeably.) Some of the breeds in the Working Group were originally […] | May 1, 2015
Expert Advice: Cute & Funny Check Out the Winners of the “Dog Days of Summer” Art Contest for Kids!
With school back in session, days getting shorter, and temperatures getting cooler, this seems like a good time to take a fond look back at all the fun adventures dog-loving kids had this summer, with their pals front and center. To do that, the AKC Public Education Program held a “Dog Days of Summer” art […] | October 16, 2015
Expert Advice: Grooming These Flowing, Glamorous Coats Give Us Breed Envy
Seeming to float around the dog show ring, with a silky, lustrous coat waving, some long-coated breeds may inspire envy in their human admirers: As a silver Afghan Hound glided past, a spectator turned to her companion and said, “I’d kill to have hair like that!” But even dogs who’ve never stepped foot in a […] | August 18, 2015

Showing 5,741-5,750 of 6,798 results