Showing 561-570 of 948 results

Pages AKC Detection Dog Task Force Facts
Mission Statement: The American Kennel Club, the oldest and largest dog registry in the country, will provide assistance to the US Government and AKC breeders to improve the domestic supply of dogs for explosive detection training by raising the awareness of obstacles, exploring multiple solutions, educating key stake holders, and fostering collaboration for continuous improvement. […] | May 18, 2018
Expert Advice: Training How Chicken Camp Made Me a Better Dog Trainer
The first time I learned about chicken camp, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Train a what? Yes, train a chicken. I was intrigued. How could using clicker training for poultry possibly improve my dog-training skills? After all, isn’t a dog smarter than a chicken? Well, the point is not to win first place […] | May 18, 2018
Expert Advice: Training Ask Our Trainers: My Dog Jumps on Visitors and Won’t Stay off the Counters
Judith C. of Connecticut wrote AKC for help with her German Shorthaired Pointer pup that loves jumping on people and the kitchen counter to steal food. Heather W. of Michigan said she is having the same issue with her pair of one-year-old Labrador Retrievers. Heather says, "We are constantly telling them to stay down and pushing them down. […] | May 16, 2018
Expert Advice: Health Dog Myths Debunked: Can Dogs Get All the Exercise They Need in the Backyard?
Most dogs love spending time outside, and backyards provide a space for their favorite activities, like playtime and training sessions — not to mention the joys of fresh air, sunshine, and rolling around in the grass. But can dogs get all the exercise they need in the yard? Dogs Need More Than a Yard for […] | May 9, 2018
Clubs & Delegates State Issues April 2018
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2018 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. California – Assembly Bill 1762 would allow visitors to all California state parks to bring animals when they visit the parks. Animals […] | April 27, 2018
Expert Advice: Feature Para-Rower Natalie McCarthy’s Guide Dogs Are Her Ultimate Cheerleaders
Natalie McCarthy lost her sight at the age of 10, but she didn't get her first guide dog until she was 21. "I was sort of one of those blind individuals who wasn't quite sure the guide dog lifestyle was for me," she admits. After all, McCarthy was getting around perfectly well. She was in […] | April 25, 2018
national lost dog awareness day
Expert Advice: Lifestyle National Lost Dog Awareness Day: One Woman Shares a Harrowing 800-Mile Tale
Approximately 4 million dogs go missing in the United States each year, and anyone who's lost a pet will tell you it’s a terrifying feeling. While no one wants to believe this can happen to them, on National Lost Dog Awareness Day (April 23), we're reminded of the precautionary steps you can take in case […] | April 23, 2018
Pages AKC Detection Dog Task Force FAQs
Why is there a shortage of domestic detection dogs? Following the events of 9-11, the demand for scent detection dogs for use in search and rescue, as well as explosives detection, began to grow and has steadily risen since. Recent events, including the bombings in Brussels, Boston, Las Vegas and New York City, have accelerated […] | April 20, 2018
Officers Capitol Police K9 Unit Award
Pages The American Kennel Club Presents United States Capitol Police K-9 Unit with Award
From Left: Sen Thom Tillis, Deputy Chief Fred Rogers, AKC President & CEO Dennis Sprung, AKC Vice President of Government Relations Sheila Goffe, Congressman Ralph Abraham, Technician Sean Haynes & Will (K-9), Congressman Kurt Schrader, Chief of USCP Matthew Verderosa, Assistant Chief Steven Sund The American Kennel Club presented the United States Capitol Police K-9 […] | April 20, 2018
GermanShepherd k9 officer
Pages First Canine Officers Recognized For Their Work In AKC Canine Officer Program
Two canine officers were recognized for their work March 26 in Raleigh, North Carolina as part of AKC's new Canine Officer Program, which honors dogs who work in a public service role for government agencies. The two K-9s are the first dogs recognized by the new program that was introduced Feb. 16. Sig, a German […] | April 20, 2018

Showing 561-570 of 948 results