Showing 541-550 of 1,685 results

Expert Advice: News Journalist Says She Gives Up Puppies When They’re Not Cute Anymore
A writer for the Daily Mail has caught the attention of dog lovers around the world after confessing in an article that she has given up four dogs in four years.Shona Sibary’s article, published last Friday, describes the writer giving away her Husky-mix, Juno, as her daughter sobbed. She admits, “Over the past four years I […] | July 21, 2014
Pages Brochures and Fliers
Brochures Our brochures are available in a downloadable PDF that can be printed and copied for your convenience. The Joys and Advantages of Owning an AKC®-Registered Purebred Dog View and Print Online Welcome to the American Kennel Club View and Print Online Why Register Your Purebred Dog with the AKC®? View and Print Online Careers […] | February 27, 2018
Legislative Alerts Illinois: Register Your Opposition to Restrictions on Pet Choice, Breed Rescue TODAY
The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee is considering a bill on Thursday, May 27, that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. We are asking local clubs, club rescues, and dog owners to take a minute TODAY and submit an online witness slip […] | May 25, 2021
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Training Tips For Breeders
All puppy training takes time and effort, but the results are worth it. The way a breeder trains puppiesvaries from breeder to breeder -- and these things can change as experiences dictate. Following are tips on supplies and methods that have proven to work well. Supplies Needed A fence or gate to contain the puppies. […] | March 23, 2015
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Best Time to Bring a Puppy Home from the Breeder
ASK AKC Dear AKC: I am considering buying a Chihuahua from a breeder who is letting the pups go at 6 weeks old. I have always heard that puppies should not be weaned until they are at least 8 weeks. Should I consider a different breeder? -- Early Arrivals Dear Early: Every breeder has their […] | May 17, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun Facts Living Large: Raising an Irish Wolfhound Puppy
Are you considering getting an Irish Wolfhound puppy? If so, it’s certainly understandable. These sweet-tempered creatures have beguiled us since ancient times. Originally bred as fearless big-game hunters capable of dispatching a wolf in single combat, Wolfhounds today are the most serene and agreeable of companions for owners of all ages. But, with big dogs […] | December 30, 2015
Why puppies and female dogs hump or mount social
Expert Advice: Puppy Health Why Puppies and Dogs Hump (or Mount)
Owners are often amused or embarrassed when their dog or puppy begins humping or mounting a person, object, or another dog. Humping, or mounting, is typically seen when a dog is over excited, hence why it happens frequently when groups of dogs are playing. It's not an abnormal behavior among dogs; however, it does have the potential […] | December 30, 2015
Legislative Alerts TX Alert: AKC Supports Amended HB 1818, Requests Your Support
Yesterday, the Texas Senate Business and Commerce Committee approved an amended version of House Bill 1818.  As previously reported, this committee substitute is supported by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other animal interest organizations as a reasonable alternative to the severe impact earlier versions of the bill would have had on both the type […] | May 21, 2021
Legislative Alerts Illinois: Two Harmful Proposals Still Active in Legislature – Call Today
Although the Illinois session is expected to wind down over the next few weeks, two important bills that would undermine impact responsible dog ownership remain active in the state legislature. AKC and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs are working to advocate and communicate our position to legislators, and we need your help!  We urge […] | May 17, 2021
Legislative Alerts TX Action Alert Update: HB 1818 Scheduled for Committee Hearing 8AM Tomorrow, May 18—Last Chance to Express Opposition
Texas House Bill 1818, which seeks to limit most Texas pet stores from selling purpose-bred dogs, is scheduled to be considered by the Senate Business and Commerce Committee, tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18, at 8AM.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) and a broad coalition of interest groups strongly oppose HB 1818. With legislative deadlines and the […] | May 17, 2021

Showing 541-550 of 1,685 results