Showing 521-530 of 840 results

Expert Advice: Advanced Training Teach Your Dog to Sit Pretty
From the AKC GoodDog! Helpline Sitting Pretty is a cute trick also often referred to as “beg.” The dog starts in a sit and then raises his front legs up so he is sitting on just his back legs with front feet legs curled and held in front of him. It is helpful if your […] | August 13, 2015
Legislative Alerts Why is AKC Opposing the North Carolina Commercial Breeders Bill?
On Wednesday, the North Carolina Senate will vote on Senate Bill 460, a bill designed to regulate commercial dog breeders and to "ensure the humane care and treatment" of puppies bred in our state. This sounds pretty good: Who could oppose humane care for puppies? So then, why is this bill so controversial? And why […] | July 7, 2009
Expert Advice: Advanced Training 3 Steps to Making Your Dog A Therapy Dog
Ever read about therapy dogs offering just the right touch to an elderly individual or someone in need of comfort and think "my dog can do that?" Well, good news: He can! Here's how: 1. Basic Training: The AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Test All therapy dogs need to be under control and have basic training. […] | September 9, 2014
Sports & Events Previous Responsible Dog Ownership Days
Find information about or photos of previous events below! [accordion] [accordion_panel title="2017"] Saturday, September 9, 2017 -- Raleigh, NC The 15th annual AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day (RDO) was held at the N.C. State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, NC on Saturday, September 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Dogs and their owners enjoyed a free day […] | April 25, 2018
Canine Partners Puppy Prodigy Continues his Winning Ways
 Jax Majerle AD CGC RN TKA owned by Brandi and Pete Majerle of Peoria, AZ Last fall, we wrote about Jax when he earned a Trick Dog Novice title at 12 weeks of age. It was just the beginning for this precocious pup who will be one year old on June 6. After earning the […] | April 20, 2018
Expert Advice: Responsible Breeding AKC Breeder Spotlight: Cathy Lewandowski of SoftMaple Curly-Coated Retrievers
Each month, the American Kennel Club (AKC) profiles breeders to hear how they got started and learn about their breeding program and experience with AKC Marketplace. We recently spoke with Cathy Lewandowski of SoftMaple Curly-Coated Retrievers in Croghan, N.Y. Lewandowski is an AKC Breeder of Merit who has produced versatile, top-winning dogs. Lewandowski's love for […] | April 13, 2018
Products & Services CGC: About
About Canine Good Citizen® Apply for a CANINE PARTNERS NUMBER What is Canine Good Citizen and who can participate? For Dog Owners Training Classes, Earning the AKC CGC Title Test Items and Pledge CGC as a Title After the CGC Getting Started in Training Getting Started in Training Finding Classes/Evaluators Finding Classes and Evaluators For Evaluators […] | October 26, 2017
Sports & Events Training Your Dog in Junior Showmanship
Like many young people who have become involved in dog showing, I first heard about it from others.  In my case, I learned a lot about it when I was in sixth grade and did a project for one of my teachers, who enjoyed raising and showing dogs.   That’s when I knew that it was […] | October 26, 2017
Expert Advice: Dog Breeding AKC Breeder Spotlight: Michel Berner of Mira Vizslas
Michel Berner, owner of Mira Vizslas, near Fairchild, Wis., moved from Milwaukee to the Eau Claire area a little more than 10 years ago. She is active regionally and nationally and has donated hundreds of hours to various Vizsla clubs, doing everything including serving as an officer and a director, judging hunt tests, editing newsletters, creating web […] | February 27, 2018
Expert Advice: Basic Training Pros and Cons of a Dog Trainer Coming to Your Home vs. Going to Class
One of the first things most people think about when adding a dog to their family is getting him trained. After all, training will make your new best friend well behaved, whether he's a family pet or destined for the competition ring. You have a lot of choices when it comes to training these days, […] | March 27, 2018

Showing 521-530 of 840 results