Showing 501-510 of 1,885 results

Two Afghan Hounds in the back of a car.
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure Create an Emergency Evacuation Plan for You and Your Dog
Tornados, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes – emergencies strike out of the blue. Evacuating your home is often necessary for safety reasons. The last thing you want to do is leave your dog behind in the danger zone. But emergencies can be highly stressful, and without careful planning, you may find yourself in a panic with no […] | July 15, 2022
Young girl running with her dog in an outdoor Agility course.
Expert Advice: Dog Sports Junior Handler Spotlight: Mia Alvarez
Mia Alvare is a thirteen-year-old Junior Handler who competes in Agility with her 3-year-old All- American dog Honey. Mia competes with the Antelope... | July 14, 2022
Legislative Alerts Oregon: Petitions Circulating for “Animal Cruelty” Ballot Measure – Do Not Sign!
Animal Rights activists will soon be once again circulating petitions in Oregon to put an extreme measure on the 2024 ballot that, in their own words “is the first ballot initiative in history that would criminalize the killing and breeding of animals.” Oregonians are urged to not sign this petition for Initiative Petition 3, even […] | July 14, 2022
Expert Advice: Recipes How to Make Homemade Dog Treats
Homemade dog treats are a great way to provide your dog with tasty and healthy snacks. We've selected fun molds and delicious recipes to help you make your dog's new favorite treat. | July 13, 2022
disaster preparedness
Expert Advice: News Disaster Preparedness Tips for Your Dog
Floods, storms, wildfires — you can't prevent extreme weather or disastrous events, but you can take charge of how you respond. These emergency preparedness tips will help keep you and your dog out of harm’s way. Pack a Pet-Friendly Disaster Bag Having all of your ducks in a row before the unexpected happens is the […] | July 13, 2022
Basenji looking out of a car window in the rain.
Expert Advice: Travel & Adventure What Dog Owners Need to Know About Hurricane Season
In this era of climate change, you can't take storms too lightly. Hurricanes, in particular, have grown stronger as the oceans have warmed and provided more fuel for them. As Hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, and Florence have demonstrated, dog owners have many reasons to thoroughly prepare for hurricane season. Here's what you need to know. What […] | July 13, 2022
Dog peeing
Expert Advice: Health How Do I Collect a Urine Sample From My Dog?
Whether for a wellness exam or a health issue, at some point, your vet will need you to collect a dog urine sample. This task can be daunting. After all, how do you get your dog to cooperate? With these simple tips and a little training, you can collect urine samples without stressing your pet […] | July 11, 2022
Expert Advice: Health Bufo Toad Poisoning and Dogs: Symptoms and Prevention
Bufo toad poison can prove fatal to dogs. Learn all about the toad, including how to identify it, and keep your pet safe from the amphibian. | July 6, 2022
Expert Advice: Common Conditions Why Dogs Eat Poop and How to Stop It
Of all the odd habits our dogs have—drinking toilet water, rolling in dead things, licking their butts— nothing disgusts most dog owners more than knowing that dogs eat poop sometimes. A dog's motivation for eating poop isn't to gross us humans out, but the act of eating poop certainly disgusts us. So much so, in […] | June 29, 2022
Clubs & Delegates State Issues June 2022
News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. California – AB 1881 as introduced established a “Dog and Cat Bill of Rights”.  While the bill only required that the list be posted at shelters and rescues, AKC joined many organizations in expressing significant concerns about putting […] | June 28, 2022

Showing 501-510 of 1,885 results