Showing 491-500 of 1,890 results

Labrador puppy gnawing on potato
Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods ​Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?
The humble potato is the key ingredient in French fries, hash browns, tater tots, and many other essential comfort foods. When prepared in a healthy way, white potatoes can be a nutritious food for humans, but can dogs eat potatoes? The answer is: it depends. Potatoes aren't categorically toxic to dogs, like grapes or onions. […] | July 29, 2022
Expert Advice: Nutrition Which Thanksgiving Foods Can I Give My Dog?
While many of us already know we're going to overeat on Thanksgiving, we still need to apply some restraint when it comes to sharing Thanksgiving foods with our dogs. It's not just the obvious cautions—like splintering roasted turkey bones or toxic onion-filled stuffing—that are unsafe choices for your dogs. There are fatty dishes, salty dishes, […] | November 22, 2022
Expert Advice: AKC Family Dog What Will Happen to My Dog After I’m Gone?
It's hard to think about what will happen after you're gone, but it's important to set up a future for your dog's life without you. | November 10, 2023
Expert Advice: Training Expert Tips to Keep Your Dog from Jumping
Jumping up is an annoying and potentially dangerous behavior in dogs. But how do you stop your dog from jumping? Follow these 10 tips. | November 10, 2023
Close up of a Sonoran Desert Toad outdoors.
Expert Advice: Health Sonoran Toads and Dogs: Can They Poison Your Dog?
Sonoran Desert toads, also called Colorado River Toads, are dangerous to dogs. They are often found near bodies of water in the southwest United States. | November 8, 2023
Puppy Potty Training Timeline
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Puppy Potty Training Timeline And Tips
Housebreaking, house-training, or potty training-- no matter what you call it, all new dog owners want to teach their new puppy not to mess inside their new home. The best way to achieve this goal is by establishing a timeline to follow, and sticking to it. While you're adhering to your timeline, it helps to firmly establish […] | September 30, 2019
Standard size Xoloitzcuintli head outdoors.
Expert Advice: Lifestyle 10 Things to Know About Xoloitzcuintlis
Even if you haven’t heard of the Xolo (pronounced “show-low”), you’ve likely seen one of these unusual dogs at some point. The Aztecs considered the Xolo sacred, and invested them with mystical healing abilities. The breed’s full name, Xoloitzcuintli, derives from the name of the Aztec god of fire and lightning, Xolotl, as well as […] | September 11, 2019
Expert Advice: Common Behavior Issues Teaching Young Children to Respect Dogs
At an early age, you can begin to teach children the fundamentals of respecting animals and their boundaries. A staple around our house was “Tails Are Not for Pulling," whose title is a handy catchphrase to repeat when a yank of any body part looks imminent. Reality Check Potentially dangerous situations between kids and dogs […] | September 9, 2019
Expert Advice: Puppy Health How to Make Sure Your Puppy Gets Enough Sleep
Puppies are little bundles of energy, and you may have asked, "How much do puppies sleep?" In fact, they usually sleep from 18 to 20 hours a day. Sleep is essential to healthy growth, contributing to the necessary development of the central nervous system, brain, immune system, and muscles. All of that sleep also helps […] | August 15, 2019
German Shorthaired Pointer dog with bowl indoors
Expert Advice: Vet's Corner Vet-Approved Frozen Summer Treats For Dogs
Question: My local drive-thru ice-cream shop offers “pup cones," very small portions of soft serve vanilla ice cream in a tiny ice cream cone. When my Yorkie watches me with her sweet “please share” eyes on a hot day, I’m tempted. Can I feed my dog ice cream, frozen yogurt, or popsicles? Answer: While I’m sure […] | July 23, 2019

Showing 491-500 of 1,890 results