Showing 491-500 of 840 results

Funeral Dog
Sports & Events Training and Selecting Therapy Dogs for Funeral Homes
As far back as the 1700’s, dogs have been used in therapeutic settings to provide comfort. In the 1970’s, several national therapy dog organizations emerged in the United States. These organizations registered handler and therapy dog teams who most often volunteered in nursing homes and facilities for people with developmental disabilities. Over the past few […] | August 14, 2018
Senior Golden Retriever
Expert Advice: News Old Dogs Saved from Death, Now Help Others
The Saint Bernard mix looked like he was dead when he was first spotted in a ditch on the side of a road. “We thought he had been hit by a car,” recalls Deborah Workman, executive director of the Sanctuary for Senior Dogs, in Cleveland, the group that took in the 8-year-old stray. The truth was […] | July 20, 2015
Heidi the Search and Rescue dog
Expert Advice: Feature Search-and-Rescue Dog Finds Lung Cancer in Owner
As a search-and-rescue dog, Heidi works with her owner, Anne Wills, to sniff out missing people, pets, and things. Heidi has assisted the local police several times, including once locating a robbery suspect. She's helped almost 2,000 lost pets get home to their owners. But her biggest find yet happened in February when she sniffed […] | December 18, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training Housetraining a Rescue Dog
For dog owners who ask about housetraining a new puppy, crate training is frequently suggested as an important part of housetraining. The idea is that dogs won't want to soil the crate that they view as a den; they'll want to keep their sleeping area clean. But what do you do when you get a […] | January 21, 2014
Products & Services CGC: Preventing Separation Anxiety – Supervised Separation
As much fun as you have together, there will be times when you’ll need to leave your puppy at home unattended or times when someone else needs to take your puppy to provide grooming or veterinary care. Some puppies have problems when they are separated from their owners. In the extreme form, these problems can […] | October 26, 2017
Products & Services CGC: Have Fun With Your Dog – Teach a Simple Trick
Teaching tricks is a great way for dog owners to have fun with their dogs. Tricks are best taught using positive reinforcement and the behavioral procedure called “shaping” where successive approximations to a desired behavior are reinforced. Here is a trick that lends itself to being taught at home because it will most likely involve […] | October 26, 2017
Products & Services CGC: Evaluator Test Summary Form
Every time a CGC test is completed, whether it be for 50 dogs or one dog, evaluators must send in a Test Summary Form. If a CGC test participant loses his/her paperwork, they can contact the evaluator to ask for written proof of passing the test (a letter or copy of the yellow form) so […] | October 26, 2017
Products & Services CGC: Articles
AKC Canine Good Citizen Becomes a Title Have Fun With Your Dog - Teach a Simple Trick Preventing Separation Anxiety – Supervised Separation Reading to Children with a Therapy Dog Three Steps to Making Your Dog a Therapy Dog Treating Aggression: Are You Exceeding Your Boundaries of Competence Trick Dog Titles Where Are CGC Training […] | December 6, 2017
Products & Services CGC: What’s After CGC?
After CGC: What's Next? A well-trained dog is a joy to live with, and the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program is a great first step in providing your dog with a solid foundation of basic training skills and intellectual stimulation. When you complete CGC training, you will have a canine companion who responds to core […] | October 26, 2017
Pages Month 5 Lesson Plan
Dog Training Time: 45-55 minutes Resources Needed: AKC Good Citizen Lesson: Ask students the types of behaviors a well-trained dog demonstrates. Write their ideas on the board or another central location. Ask students to share why they think it is important for a dog to be well-trained. Show students the video about the AKC Canine […] | July 13, 2018

Showing 491-500 of 840 results