Showing 481-490 of 1,676 results

Expert Advice: Puppy Information What It’s Really Like to Get a Puppy During COVID-19
More people than ever before are opening their hearts and homes to puppies during the coronavirus pandemic. For those who are self-isolating, puppies provide welcome wagging tails and comforting cuddles. Plus, many puppy seekers are discovering they now have the crucial element needed to raise a good dog: time. So, is now the right time to […] | March 31, 2020
Clubs & Delegates State Issues March 2020
State Issues: News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2020 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. Alabama – HB 209 seeks to authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in […] | March 30, 2020
Clubs & Delegates Federal Issues March 2020
From Our Nation's Capitol AKC Government Relations team continues to monitor Congress for issues of interest to dog owners. Visit our 2020 Legislation Tracking page and click on “US Fed” on the map to get the latest updates on federal bills currently being monitored by the AKC. Highlights of issues we are currently addressing on the federal […] | March 30, 2020
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Is Now the Right Time to Get a Puppy? How to Prepare During COVID-19
Bringing home a new puppy is incredibly exciting. During the COVID-19 pandemic, more people than ever are looking to add a dog to their lives as they self isolate. Many puppy seekers wonder: is now the right time to get a puppy? The answer to that question differs from person to person. Were you prepared […] | March 26, 2020
Chairman's Reports March 2020 Chairman’s Report
For the past eight years, I have been fortunate to serve on the Board of this great American Kennel Club, the world’s strongest and most effective champion for purebred dogs and our Sport. It has been a privilege to play a role in the advancement of AKC’s mission and to be a part of so […] | March 10, 2020
Clubs & Delegates State Issues February 2020
State Issues: News from the State Capitols Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking. Visit the 2020 Legislation Tracking page and click on your state to get the latest updates on state bills monitored by the AKC. Alabama – HB 209 seeks to authorize food service establishments to allow pet dogs in […] | March 5, 2020
Clubs & Delegates Federal Issues February 2020
From Our Nation's Capitol AKC Government Relations team continues to monitor Congress for issues of interest to dog owners. Visit our 2020 Legislation Tracking page and click on “US Fed” on the map to get the latest updates on federal bills currently being monitored by the AKC. Highlights of issues we are currently addressing on the federal […] | March 5, 2020
Expert Advice: Common Conditions How To Help Your Dog Avoid Cancer
"Cancer" — that dreaded word that nobody wants to hear. But as a leading cause of death in dogs, it's a reality all too many owners may have to face. Sadly, many cancers have a genetic basis, meaning there's not much owners can do to avoid it in their dogs. Yet there are certain choices […] | March 2, 2020
Pages AKC Detection Dog Task Force Educational Resources
  March 2022 - Click here to Visit AKC's Canine College - The Confident Puppy e-Learning Course! The Confident Puppy course  leverages broad expertise from the AKC Detection Dog Task Force and the Patriotic Puppy Program to help dog owners and enthusiasts raise resilient, well-socialized  and confident dogs. The course provides a collection of educational resources for individual breeders, […] | February 26, 2020
Legislative Alerts Virginia Update: Problematic Bills Advancing – Contact Your Legislators Today!
Different versions of bills regulating leaving dogs outdoors and allowing localities to arbitrarily pass laws regulating the care of dogs continue to move in Virginia.  The House ACNR Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, February 19, to conform Senate Bill 272 for possible action later in the week. Summary of Legislative Activity: Update on […] | February 14, 2020

Showing 481-490 of 1,676 results